ah, there they go. my happy and contented flock. spiritually refreshed and ready to face the world again. did you enjoy the sermon today, dennis? hmm, yes. a trifle purple, i thought. still, fate wanted it included and who are we to question the will of the almighty, miserable sinners that we are? and speaking of sin, i wonder which of the seven deadlies the good lord will see fit to tempt me with today. i was thinking of something a little less ethereal. has the young lady arrived? oh dear. oh dear. not too old, i trust? fifteen, hmm. ah well, if job could bear his disappointments, i suppose i must have the good grace to bear mine. show her in when she arrives. oh my! and to think i doubted your loveliness for even an instant. mea culpa, my child, mea culpa. you are a vision. an angel. of course, "hate the sin, love the sinner." i always say. take your dress off, please. you -- you filthy whore! i'll kill you, you fucking sow. what's this? who -- dennis?