good morning, london. this is the voice of fate -- damn. good morning -- ack. good morning lond-- goddammit! where is my bloody tea?! i know. i know. damned inconvenient this entire affair. fine. let's try again. good morning, london. it is 6 am, the fifth of november 2019 and this is the voice of fate. the new day brings good news and bright prospects from overseas, where negotiations with new china are moving in a positive direction. last night's scheduled demolition of two deteriorating landmarks went off without a hitch. spokesman for the interior ministry said both structures were severely damaged and judged to be a danger to the unsuspecting public. plans for new landmarks are well underway. do you believe this crap, dascombe? "exactly what they tell us." i know but do you think that people will believe it? plans for new landmarks are already well underway. "remember, remember, the fifth of november" do you suppose that's why he did it? guy fawkes. he tried to blow up parliament. don't they teach history in school anymore? yes, of course. my mistake. i love trains. i remember riding the underground with my father. shame they shut them all down. get off of me! i have a lighter. somewhere. i found it! oh god. who are you? what do you want? money? is that it? wait, wait. you're, you're the one that blew the bailey. you're making a mistake. i'm nobody -- oh god, what do you want? what -- what did you call me? i don't know what you're talking about. her. you. you! you're him, aren't you? oh my god! what are you going to do? oh no, no! please i was just doing what i was told! please, don't make me do this. i'll see you in hell. fi. fi. fi. five. room five. next.