where they sent the undesirables. you were a man of many responsibilities. you made sure larkhill made all its quotas, especially the oven quotas even though they required an excessive amount of maintenance. but there was one task you took to with exceptional relish. remember the medical block, commander? i believe you called it the funny farm. you were the one that selected the prisoners. you hand picked each one. you are but a single individual. how can you possible make any difference? individuals have no power in this modern world. that is what you've been taught because that is what they need you to believe. but it is not true. but, you ask, who am i to make such promises? a fair question but hardly necessary as you know me already. to know me any more you need only look to a mirror. on the twelfth stroke of the fifth day of the eleventh month, i hope we shall all meet again. good evening citizens of london. this is the voice of fate. your fate. tonight, the face of london is going to change and i am going to offer you the chance to change with her. your leader is finished. he will not leave these tunnels alive. at midnight tonight, the head will be destroyed and a new era will begin. you must now decide if you are going to be a part of that era. you can choose to stay here and die with your leader or you can choose to be free. the decision is yours and yours alone. some of you have wives. some of you have families. all of you have lives. consider each of them as you ask yourself, are they a part of the past, or are they a part of the future? you will discover the face under this mask but you will never look beneath it. i know you won't. i know. "make them remember" let me be there, evey, when it begins. please let me hear the music. one last time. my music. at first, you have to listen carefully. ah, yes. there it is. beautiful, is it not?