shit! mrs. smart i'm so sorry. i - uhh - i - was trying to take a nap. it relaxes me. no, it's fine. i need to go anyway. mom. yeah. my mom was at your house. that i was taking a nap. no - the naked part came after i told her that. seriously, there's no explaining this. just drive. she could be coming out any second. what about after school? right. can you skip your class tonight? sorry. and i work tonight until 11. crap. look, maybe we're just putting too much pressure on it being today. the whole point initially was to do it before we went off to college - and we still have 6 months before that. ok, so 4 months. that's still a long time. ok. just - give me some time. i'll figure this out. i promise. so, you know how i said i'd figure something out? well - yeah. it's rustic. and romantic. it's romantically rustic. no i checked. i've been screaming obscenities for an hour. there's no way they can hear us. cheer up, rani. i'll be your valentine. what? no. i mean - eventually. but we've got time. seriously? are we talking about this? sure. sure. to be expected. what? i thought you loved the food here. you good? you're right. should we try my back seat? it's a little bigger - what are you talking about? we're great. i don't understand. i know.