she said no. i knew it. i just mean - that's great! i don't know why i said that. i prepare for the worst. part of the immigrant mentality. but - she said yes! congratulations. no mas raffia, boss. no, i don't think it should bum you out. i think it should bum you out when you stop trying. you should pay more attention, guy. must be nice. it's valentine's day. kind of a big day, flower-wise. people like to get flowers at their place of work. they like a public declaration. it's like - love doesn't exist until you acknowledge it in front of people. keep your eyes open friend. i think you have to tell her. because it's the right thing to do. where are we going? but we're really behind - fine. what? she needs to know, reed. we're really behind. i had a feeling. that it just wasn't right. an inkling. i didn't know for sure. pardon? yes you do. yes! for this? screw it. try her again. it's fine. she knew i'd be working late. i can't believe you let her get on that plane. but it doesn't make sense. she didn't even want to go. yeah. but maybe i'm off. i'm real tired. alphonso junior just got the guitar hero with the drumset for his birthday. that was a mistake.