edgar, we said we weren't going to celebrate valentine's day anymore. so did i. the boy misses his mother. every year, she was his valentine. what about your breakfast, edison? they weren't taking any new orders, dear. she'll get them tomorrow. everything ok with you and alex? what happened? sweetie it's us - of course not. that it is. janice. i hate to do this to you again, but can you take the boy out for awhile? you were in mexico, building those new apartment complexes, and i was alone with a two-year-old. michael used to come over, just to help. you have no idea how much you need to talk to an adult after days of being with a child, and -- it was only one night. one night, edgar. and we both regretted it. i've only loved one man in my life. you. because i wanted you to know the truth. edgar! edgar! i know you're here! we come every year! edgar!