i told you yesterday, i have to fly up to san francisco. i know. and your face was the first thing i wanted to see this morning. but i have two in vitros at the clinic today. you can't tell follicles when to burst. what about you? are you really going to that dinner tonight? you don't really hate valentine's day, do you? i would take you to winter formal. and i definitely would have prescribed you some retin a for the skin. i can't talk now, honey. i'm about to pull into lax. i'll call you when i land. sorry it took so long. we didn't deliver until almost four, so i slept at the condo. good. all things considered. of course i do. daddy's just tired, that's all. nothing. i'll see you tonight. may i speak to the manager? perfect. i hate to pull this card - but i'm a doctor and i need to get back to the hospital - and i wanted to take care of this order myself. i need you to deliver two arrangements for me. two dozen red roses for each -- lady. and i need your discretion. do you understand? i appreciate that. here are the addresses. that's right. no. now, look. i thought we had an understanding. we are. genetic. you needed them. i needed them. she needs them. ma'am, what often helps in the early stages of contractions is a brisk walk. why don't i take a little stroll with you, and i can time your contractions as we go. that way i can give you a better sense of where you stand.