that's fine. i didn't take it that way. i take all my classes for fun ms. gilroy. sure - of course. oh, i can't. i nanny after school. i teach yoga before school on wednesdays and fridays. you should come. i think it would be helpful. yeah, i take a few classes at ucla. normally that would work - but today i'm going to have sex with my boyfriend for the first time - or, i mean, to be accurate, i'm going to have sex for the first time, he will be too, so - yeah. it's valentine's day. and my parents work during the day. so it's really the only time it can happen. but tomorrow at lunch i'm free. great. i'll see you then. so excited. what happened? your mom? oh. (she looks at his naked? wait - what? come on alex, you know i nanny. skip class? do you know me at all? i'm thinking about going to the summer program at yale - you know, to get a head start. that's june. no, no, no. it's gotta be today. when someone asks me when i first had sex, i don't wanna say "oh, i don't quite remember, some random day between february and june of my senior year." it's gotta be special alex. and today is special. not until you breathe. like i taught you. now why don't you tell me what's going on? edison. you're not lost. look, i'm sure this little girl - ok. i'm sorry. that was patronizing. i know how you hate to be patronized. i will. after soccer. nobody likes soccer. what the hell is going on? where are we going? this is your big idea? you want me to do it here? in the woods? with random people 20 feet away? so, let me get this straight. you really thought that i was going to come back here in the woods and have sex with you, outdoors, while i left alone the 10 year old boy who i'm responsible for? just left him alone out there? you thought that would be fun for me? you think that's romantic? you know - for a valedictorian you are a huge idiot! tell me about it. i don't know. not really. it's what hasn't happened, actually. ok - you guys promise - no judgement? alex and i were supposed to have sex today. for the first time. both of us for the first time. and it was supposed to be - magical. but i'm realizing now how hard it is to plan something magical. i just wanted something special to carry us through, you know? he's going to stanford, i'm going to yale - it's going to be nearly impossible to stay together. these things never work out. i know that. but i just thought if we had something really amazing connecting us that we might have a better shot. and now - saying it all out loud - i just feel stupid. like - what, i'm going to sleep with just one person in my entire life? that's just - preposterous. who does that? no. that's amazing. um, i don't know. i have class tonight. you know what, it's fine. i'll - skip it. edison? come on edison, pick up. shit! no! you're not supposed to get into vans! you can't do that to me - i'm responsible for you edison. do you understand that? everything's fine. ok. do you have your cel phone? good. text me when you're done and i'll pick you up here. that's quick. this can't be good. are you sure you don't need to deliver that food? because you know how annoyed i get when deliveries take a long time, and i would hate - you're right. i'm - just a little nervous. i'm sorry. can you put that bag outside or something. it kind of - smells. i do. it doesn't smell bad. it just smells. like indian food. and i didn't envision my first time would go down with saag paneer wafting around. sorry - again. can we shift a little? this seat belt is really - jamming - - there. better. i'm good. ok. this isn't working. no, alex. not this. this. us. we're not working. i know. i know you and i are great. but - where we are - what's about to happen - that's not great. alex - we're both about to embark on something huge. separately. and i just think we need to be able to do that - figure out who we are - experience new things. separately. i just don't want us to look back 60 years from now and have any regrets. i wanted to do this because i thought it would be something that would keep us together. but now i see that it's just something that's going to hold us back. i'm really sorry alex.