hello? hey. what's going on? um, no, not really. i'm a publicist sean, not a dictator. yeah, pretty much. no. i'm checking my evite. it's a tradition. me and all my friends get together and share our mutual disdain for the holiday. it's fun. no it doesn't. i'll tell you in a second. i gotta call you back. hey, julia, it's kara. so, i'm freaking out a bit. i'm really hoping you're coming to my dinner tonight. i'm working on a press release saying it was a mutual parting. i do. sorry. hey jan. from ktla? tell him i'll call him back. fine. put him on. hey kelvin. what can i do for you? and. yeah, but both wins are for you. look kelvin, i don't know what to tell you. i'm sure this is just gonna be your usual, run of the mill press conference. i don't think there's any exclusive to be had here. but i appreciate the ambition. happy valentine's day. you and me both. bye kelvin. seriously, don't. but i told the truth! why haven't you called me back? so i'm assuming you didn't rsvp for my dinner because you come every year and it's a given that you'll be there, right? no one's coming. well, it is. new boyfriend. back with old boyfriend. gay cruise to cabo. no. there's still a bunch of people who've looked at it but haven't responded. i know. have fun. yeah. i say that. it's ok. sit down. it's fine. let me ask you a question kelvin. what are your plans for tonight? no - i know. and i'm not asking you out or anything. it just seems like literally everyone on earth has something to do tonight so - i haven't had a date on valentine's day in almost 10 years. i mean - it's mostly by choice. i put all my energy into this job, into taking care of my clients - and i know i don't put myself out there at all - but still - 10 years. isn't that pathetic? the thing that i hate most about this day - honestly - is that i'm embarrassed. i'm embarrassed that it makes me feel as bad about being alone as it does. i'm really sorry. i don't even know you. anyway - i'm sending word out now that sean's press conference will be at 6 at the century plaza. sorry you came all this way for nothing. so. you sure you don't want to run by us what you're gonna say? i'm a publicist sean. i don't like surprises. ok then. you ready? ok. i'm gonna head back to the office now. we'll set up interviews - maybe late night shows - and then - sean! so wait - how did you find me? right. i did. i had my suspicions for a while, but he finally told me a few years ago. i think i was one of the only people he ever told. yeah. you can have both. what are you doing here? what happened? yeah, i thought you were going out with your new boyfriend.