that's your assignment, kelvin. since there's nothing else going on. the super bowl was last week. there are only two nba games tonight. no one gives a crap about hockey. like i said, there's nothing going on. what were you working on kelvin? was another one of the cincinnati bengals arrested? you got a tip on another referee fixing basketball games? oooh - maybe you've got an exclusive one on one with michael vick's dog trainer? it's valentine's day. all i want is your basic man on the street remote about what this day means to people. i want happy. i want romance. i want love. come on - well, be that as it may - you're a professional. i know you don't like soccer but you give those galaxy scores with a smile on your face. you'll do fine. happy to be back doing what you love? really? well, i'm glad you enjoyed yourself. because it was pretty bad on my end. are you kidding? i ask you for love and romance and what do you give me? a guy removing tatoos? sex in movie theatres? a giant rat? bullshit. you found what you wanted to find. you were right. i thought you were capable of more - but i guess not. you should definitely just stick to sports.