i apologize for this unfortunate. spectacle. on behalf of everyone, welc- can this plan be made to work? can we get to him? we don't seem to have a choice. without fromm there is no valkyrie. get him. out of the question. it won't work. we need you here in berlin. orders are not enough. they need a man to follow. the right man. three very crucial hours. i'll tell the others- i'm afraid whatever the outcome, i won't be there to see it. beck. himmler is not in the briefing. carl. carl, if i may have a word with you in private. very well. there's no need to vote. i consider you a friend. and i look forward to the day when we can once again live as free men. but you've become a liability. i'm sorry it has to be this way. fellgiebel informed me this evening. himmler's issued an order for your arrest. you'll have to leave germany. tonight. when we've succeeded with the central solution you'll return as chancellor. until then- disappear, carl. avoid contact with anyone. no more indecision. from now on, stauffenberg has discretion. have you made your peace with god, then? then you have nothing to fear. by history? in the end, we answer only to ourselves. did you reach your wife? ebingen is a long way from bamberg. they're safe. you've seen to that. to think. you came to us a wounded soldier from africa. now. now you are both the architect and the assassin. i'm still trying to understand how this came to be. what's that? gentlemen, may i introduce chief helldorf. he's guaranteed the full support of the berlin police. we can begin. hitler has scheduled a military briefing for today at one o'clock. stauffenberg will strike regardless of who else is present. once in position, he will signal us once to alert the troops and again after the flash. assuming fromm refuses to join us, olbricht will take command of the reserve army and initiate operation valkyrie. then he'll notify all district commanders between paris and berlin that the ss is attempting to seize power. the reserve army will arrest all ss, gestapo and nazi officials. when the time is right, witzleben and i will arrive at the war ministry and assume the roles of commander of the armed forces and head of state, respectively. with berlin secured, goerdeler will return and address the nation as our new chancellor. then, god willing, we can negotiate a truce with the allies and spare europe from total destruction. gentlemen, this is the most important day of your lives. long live sacred germany. this has to be seen as a movement of the people. you're certain he's dead. acts of vengeance will not be tolerated. we represent a different form of government. we represent what is good and just in germany. i'd like a pistol, please. for personal reasons. i'm thinking of earlier times.