my comrades. once again - i don't know how many times it has been now - an attempt has been made on my life. i speak to you tonight for two reasons. first, so that you can hear my voice and know that i am unhurt. and second, so that you may know the details of a crime without parallel in german history. may i say, i am honored to meet a hero who has sacrificed so much for germany. if only more of my officers were like you. let this man stand as an example to all of you. he is the ideal german officer. hmmm? oh yes, normandy. that will no longer be necessary. general goering has assured me that normandy is under control. then listen to me very carefully. my comrades. once again - i don't know how many times it has been now - an attempt has been made on my life. i speak to you tonight for two reasons. first, so that you can hear my voice and know that i am unhurt. and second, so that you may know the details of a crime without parallel in german history. a small clique of ambitious, dishonorable, stupid officers have conspired to eliminate me. except for a few bruises and burns, i was completely untouched. I see in this the hand of Providence. directing me to complete my work.