you're a woman, fromm. and a fat one at that. i'd have you sent to the front if i didn't think you'd surrender just to be montgomery's whore. you're dismissed, stauffenberg. send your man home, fromm. then bring us some brandy. now for the first order of business. fromm, i believe you will brief us on blocking divisions for the eastern front. gentleman. you are dismissed. gentlemen. the meeting has been pushed forward to 12:30. mussolini is arriving on the afternoon train and hitler wants to have lunch with him. i only wish he were. then some ambitious officer might take the opportunity to shoot the dago bastard. please pardon our tardiness. you remember colonel stauffenberg? stauffenberg. several men left the building before the explosion. but what? spit it out, man. i don't know what you mean. everything's in order here. another failed attempt. the führer was never in danger. by the way, where is your man colonel stauffenberg? let me know when he arrives. i'd like a word with him.