two 975 gram packs of plastic-w. enough explosive to cripple a panzer. your detonators. your fuses. british time pencils. this acid capsule is your trigger. when you're ready to arm, attach the detonator to the bottom of the time pencil, like so. . insert the entire device into either end of the plastic-w, crush the acid capsule and you're live. when the acid eats through the wire holding back the trigger spring. well. you'll want to be very far away. theoretically there's a 30-minute delay. but with the kind of heat you can expect at the wolf's lair, i'd give you 10, 15 minutes tops. this is state of the art. you can have small or precise. not both. the explosion won't do the killing. the air in the room will. hitler's bunker is constructed of reenforced concrete. a steel door, no windows. just one of these explosives in a space like that will cause tremendous air pressure. enough to instantly kill everyone present. the second charge will be entirely redundant. but as you said yourself it would take a miracle. anyone in that bunker when just one of these goes off is not coming out alive. general olbricht's office. hold the line. stauffenberg says himmler's not at the briefing. he wants to proceed. they say no. wait. i say do it. put the reserve army on standby alert. but that's not what he- i didn't hear you. come again. fellgiebel. fellgiebel. i. couldn't be sure. it sounded as though he said. hitler is still alive. sir. the bomb did go off. that much was clear. fellgiebel's next step will be to sever all communications. colonel stauffenberg was explicit. we initiate valkyrie regardless. then lie. tell him hitler's dead. or arrest him. but do it now. sir. did you hear me? you have to give the order to initiate valkyrie. this is our only- every second we stand here arguing is a second lost. what about stauffenberg? what about his risk? he did his part and now you're abandoning him. shouldn't you be consulting beck? at least put the reserve army on alert. and where are you going? orders from general olbricht. someone had to do something while you were playing dead. this is about germany, for god's general olbricht's office. stauffenberg for you, sir.