we've been discovered. oster's been arrested. the gestapo came for him last night. did you hear what i said? there's no one we can trust. not in berlin. we could use your help. this war can't be won in the field. you can't honestly believe you'll make a difference on the front- it makes no sense. you opposed hitler, you opposed the war. if we win, it will still be hitler's germany. on behalf of the führer. i. i didn't. i'm sorry. gentlemen, may i present colonel stauffenberg. he's been reassigned to my office at the war ministry. colonel, may i introduce- we've already considered valkyrie. it isn't suitable. yes, of course, but- they would declare a military state of emergency. there is one. small problem. he's a careerist pig. i wanted to introduce you to our new man - colonel stauffenberg. we were thinking the very same thing. i think that went rather well. you play the part of bureaucrat beautifully. there's a man here to interview as your adjutant. no one told you? you've been promoted chief of staff for the reserve army. unfortunately, your nocturnal activities don't count as service to the reich. you'll do no such thing. this is an opportunity we could never have dreamed of. you're in the inner circle now - with genuine access to hitler, his advisors, his schedule. we need this. not half as fast as the allies. an invasion is coming, colonel. any day now. we must act and we must act soon. tresckow may have left you in charge of the "central solution," but in this world i still outrank you. you will accept the appointment. is that understood? now. the new man is waiting outside. he comes highly recommended. he might even be an ideal candidate. we still need an assassin. what if they search your bag? might this be just a little too small? of course, i'm all for redundancy. however. if, by some miracle, hitler does survive, what then? just how did you manage that? himmler is expected to be at the meeting as well. don't proceed unless you can get them both. why kill a madman just to have a lunatic take his place? the members are in total agreement on this. and just who this soldier be? him? this is general olbricht. order the guard battalion and all army schools near berlin to take up march readiness. stand by for operation valkyrie. call beck. this has been a drill. you're all to be commended for your quick response. dismissed. that man there. who is he? get rid of him. it was only a drill. an exercise. heil hitler. i can't issue valkyrie again unless we follow through. if he fails to- not until i hear from stauffenberg. not until i'm sure. noted, colonel. thank you. well, what did he say? get him back on the line. only fromm can initiate. you know that. i'm not doing anything until i talk to fellgiebel. get him back on the phone. now. i can't initiate valkyrie without confirmation that hitler's dead. it's too great a risk. watch yourself, colonel. i know just what beck will say. he's a dying man. what does he have to lose? i can't cover up another false alarm. when stauffenberg returns, when he gives me confirmation. then we'll proceed. the same place you are. lunch. explain this. we don't know that the führer is not alive. we don't know any- we've had no confirmation that- dear god. i- no one has spoken to him yet. i understand. i understand. get beck and the others. tell them it's time. this is general olbricht calling on behalf of general fromm - commander of the home army. adolf hitler, is dead. a group of radicals from the ss are attempting to seize control of the government. operation valkyrie is in effect. all military districts, training schools and replacement troops are to take control of essential government offices at once. general fellgiebel. at the wolf's lair. there's no use calling, all communication lines are- general fromm is no longer in command. i am. you will present these orders to your troops. and who would have led the men here in berlin? you? the colonel did more than any man could have hoped. if anyone is to blame it's- i'm sorry, colonel.