now they tell us to disengage - a day late. no matter how many times we tell command the reality, they always manage to leave us- i wonder. was there even a point in our coming to tunis? stand fast, i said. i don't know what i ever did with ten. i'm wanted in berlin. are you asking as a member of the high command? you can speak openly, general. he died just before you came in. i'm a field officer. that's unfortunate for me. i'm a soldier, general. i serve my country. the people chose otherwise and here we are. now we have to win. you know what will happen if we don't. we all took an oath, general. i'm a twin, you know. my brother died the day after we were born. i was lying in the desert, covered in blood, sure i was going to die. i tried to think about my wife, my children. but my mind kept drifting to my dead brother. how i would finally be with him. how i would finally be whole again. this is my reward for what happened to my men. it's all i deserve. i don't want the damn th- i'm not going to the front. i'm needed in berlin. these men need no introduction. what makes you think the army will follow you at all? oust him, kill him. that isn't what matters. how do you plan to take control of the government when hitler is gone? with all respect, sir, you put too much faith in your popularity. all of you do. you said yourself, i'm a field officer. you all may understand government, but i know the men. a great many of them may hate hitler, but they all fear him - they fear himmler, goebbels, the whole of the reich. that kind of fear won't just die with hitler. and as for respect: the army, and the people, respect only one thing. authority. and if just one man questions that authority, you can lose them all. they were fooled into following hitler. how will you fool them - force them - into following you? what are you doing here? i thought i left you in bamberg. it's a wonderful surprise. thank you, brother. i came to join the resistance, not some sewing circle of discarded generals and politicians. like hitler before him, yes? lately i have to wonder if germany is even fit to choose her own destiny. plenty of people thought- what are you trying to say? i said senior officers. the only men that can get to him. even if they could remove hitler, they can't hope to seize power. for god's sake, they have no plan. children, that is far too- air-raid. valkyrie. not as it's currently written. hitler designed it himself to crush any internal unrest if he's cut off or killed. the orders could be rewritten. a few subtle changes would put those reserve units completely under our command. now what would the high command do if they thought, say, the ss was staging a coup? hitler's own reserve army, using hitler's own plan and under our command, would automatically seize power in berlin. precisely. it will seem as though we're fighting for hitler government, not against it. i'm afraid it's the only way. i'm a soldier first, an aristocrat second. and you're neither, doctor. now if you want to be chancellor, you'll do as you're told. but one who's gone as high as he can go in hitler's army. it's no secret he's not happy about it. i'd say the general's lost more important things this morning. i am critical of losing the war, general. all wars - as in africa - are lost through indecision. in berlin. i've made my decision, general. i`m here to help others make theirs. we're at war. we must act. sometimes. rashly. that would be a decision for the supreme military commander. second only to the chancellor. yes. quite. we'll be closer than that before we're finished. yes, i've been giving that some thought. we should include any field units that are home on leave. i've also drawn up an outline for orders to streamline combat groups in order to quietly concentrate forces at vital points - state and government buildings, of course, but also the radio and newspapers. combat groups will be reorganized as reinforced grenadier regiments. one or two of them can be quickly mobilized, eliminating the usual six hour lag. we blitz the government quarter, arrest all ministers and party leaders, surround all ss and police barracks. any officers who resist will be arrested. or shot. if anyone comes to you, play ignorant. just tell them- why didn't you tell me? do you think fromm reported us? you don't mean to say- but olbricht- that greatly limits our options of where and when to make our move, but it's the only way. perhaps it's better i don't say. why haven't you then? none of my associates know we've been talking if that's what you're afraid of. you can't report me. maybe if you had when i first approached you, you'd have been keeping your oath. but now you're just as guilty as- it is to me. i have no choice. it's clear now that without you we have no hope of success. you want us to succeed. don't you? no. but my pregnant wife, our four children, the germany i first swore to defend. they demand that i be something different. they demand that i fight for their future even if it means. even if it means that i never see them again. action is inevitable. as are the consequences. when they come for me i'll do what i can to hide what you knew and when you knew it. but don't delude yourself. you were involved in a crime against your country long before you met me. there's still time to redeem yourself. only god can judge you now. leave us, please. it's the only time i can relax. adjut- what for? for christ's sake. don't i have enough to do? i'll refuse the promotion. dammit, i can't handle the work i already- we're not ready. we're moving too fast. for what? be seated. do you know how this war will end, haeften? the portrait will be un- hung. and the man will be hung. bottom line. i'm engaged in high treason with all means available to me. can i count you in? anything is a very dangerous word. what about the panzer divisions in- first africa, now france. sometimes i wonder if hitler's real aim is to leave nothing but scorched earth for all of europe. we'll see if i can't convince him. mein führer, if i may. the situation in normandy is- but- heil hitler. they're all insane. every one of them except for speer, and he's nothing but an architect. tell beck we've found our assassin. i'll do it myself. who else, then? who can even get as close? valkyrie is very clear. once the order is given, the reserve army will automatically seize control of the government with or without me. olbricht will oversee operations in my absence. i can be back in berlin three hours after hitler is- we both know there's no other way. nonsense. you're stronger than you think. you might just be the strongest one of all. the country. nina. listen. i want you to delay your trip. just for a while. i would just be more comfortable knowing where you are - until i'm back from berlin. things will be different then. i promise. a few days. if all goes well. then we can travel as a family. i love you, nina. i'm one of the inner circle now. they'll make sure i am who i am. beyond that, they won't touch me. how much time do i have? we have an inside man at the wolf's lair in communications. he'll notify you immediately following the flash and then sever all contact with the outside world. it's my job, isn't it? while hitler's inner circle is still regrouping, you will initiate valkyrie and seize control in paris and berlin. even if hitler survives, we'll have momentum. that could be difficult. this is goerdeler's idea, isn't it? fucking politicians. i'll hold off if the decision is unanimous. and i want another man on the committee. a soldier. him. drive on. himmler. where is himmler? what do you say? my briefcase. general, if i may- today was a matter of indecision - nothing more. a military operation in the hands of a politician. i'll do my job. you just take berlin. i'd like to place a call to bamberg, please. as best i can. i know the soldier inside me is a traitor. i wonder how i'll be judged as a man. by god. bombing in ebingen. i can't get through. like a farmer watching the corn grow. one day it's over his head. nothing. indeed. i've got the whole bag of tricks right here. yes, sir, there is. i'm expecting a call of the utmost importance. even if it comes when i am in conference with the führer i'd appreciate it if you had a man come and get me. will mussolini be in the briefing? i'll need a place to wash up - change my shirt. no room for error this time. assume i have ten minutes in this heat. two minutes for the walk, one for the security check and one to the bunker. three minutes for the walk back. that's seven. plenty of time. dammit man, what is it? see that the car is ready. i have everything i need, lieutenant. thank you. i can manage, thank you. where are they going? my injuries left me a bit hard of hearing. see that you place me as near the führer as possible. sergeant. i'm expecting an urgent call from berlin. contact general olbricht in berlin. tell him hitler is dead. proceed with operation valkyrie. then sever all communications. drive. we have to get to the airfield at once. orders form the führer. we're on orders from the führer. we have to get to the airfield immediately. you will step aside. get me general keitel. yes. general keitel. stauffenberg here. i can't get past the outer gate. a sergeant. sergeant kolbe says no one is getting out. yes. yes. maybe you can explain it to him. quiet, isn't it? this is stauffenberg. get me general olbricht. it's been three hours, olbricht. what the hell have you been doing? dammit man, i saw the explosion myself. nothing else matters now. we are committed. now where is fromm? is he with us or did you- listen to me, olbricht. never mind germany. never mind europe. your life is at stake now, do you understand? if you want to live through the night you'll do exactly as i say. the second you hang up the phone, initiate operation valkyrie in fromm's name. then go over to his office in force, give him the choice to join us or place him under immediate arrest. do i make myself perfectly clear? i am at the airfield now. i will be in fromm's office in fifteen minutes. be there when i arrive. hitler is dead. operation valkyrie is in effect. you did. be that as it may, the reserve army is assuming control here in berlin. we trust you'll join us. i delivered the bomb myself. i saw the blast. he is dead. are you with us or not? no, general. you are. lock him upstairs in his private quarters. make sure his phone lines are cut. you're not in uniform. helldorf, i'm. glad to see you. we're getting a late start and we need all of the manpower we can muster. can we count on the police? i can't offer you any guarantees. the decision is yours and yours alone. can we count on you? have your men surround the building. no one gets in or out of here without my permission. i want every available soldier on task - we need simultaneous control of every government building in the city. dismissed. deploy troops to seize and protect all reich agencies. of most importance are communication centers - newspapers, radio stations, telephone and telegraph offices. all nazi officials and government leaders are to be arrested at once. send him in. it's all right. send him in. the führer is dead. the ss is staging a coup. we've initiated operation valkyrie to crush the uprising and save hitler's germany. you have your orders. join us or face the consequences. lt. herber. come here. lock him up with fromm. send the following teleprint to all army commanders. `broadcast communique not correct. the führer is dead. orders to be carried out with utmost dispatch.' i saw the blast. field marshal witzleben is right. i am the officer in charge. i am the man responsible. no one else. my actions speak for me. i'd rather my wife and children remember our last time together. the führer will want to put us on trial, make an example of us. this won't win you any favor. and it won't hide you're involvement. you knew and you did nothing. you're just as guilty as we are. even more so. no one will be spared.