managing the führer's security must be quite an undertaking. i can assure you he's safe here. relax, brandt. enjoy your meal. i understand you're returning to berlin this afternoon. could i trouble you to deliver a package to colonel stieff? with my regards to colonel stieff. he's. landed. get me colonel brandt. colonel? tresckow. i trust you landed safely. i hate to trouble you but there's been a bit of a mix up. it seems you have the wrong bottles for colonel stieff. you. do still have the package? i can be at your office first thing tomorrow morning to pick it up. terribly sorry for the inconvenience. thank you. there's only one way to be sure. i can only guess the altitude caused the fuse to malfunction. first the beer hall, memorial day - now this. someone is watching over that sonofabitch, i swear it. what makes you think- the gestapo could have arrested him for anything. find a replacement. then stop looking in berlin. i beg your pardon. i wonder how the führer, who does not partake, would feel about an officer who did so on duty. colonel brandt. and i you. i'll say this for you, doctor. you're certainly delusional enough to take hitler's place. i doubt you'll remember much of anything. for god's sake- all right. what do you think, colonel? confront hitler, force him to resign? or the central solution? they follow a butcher now. what difference does it- operation valkyrie. the reserve army has thousands of men all over the city - most of them not even in uniform. valkyrie is top secret plan to mobilize those men in a national emergency. and initiate operation valkyrie. rewriting the order is one thing - distributing it is another. a bomb can be disarmed, recovered if it fails. in this case we'd be willfully circulating written evidence of high treason. it's the best idea we've heard yet. fromm. commander of the home army. olbricht can put the reserve troops on alert, but only fromm can actually initiate valkyrie. perhaps if we offered him a key position in the new regime he could be made to see the light. dammit, stauffenberg. you scared me half to death. looking this over, i'm not satisfied that the reserve army is enough to shut down berlin completely. to operation valkyrie. i've been transferred to the front. would you have stayed? it's more likely just. an unfortunate coincidence. anyway it doesn't matter. you wrote the orders. you know them better than anyone. i'm appointing you military leader of the resistance. beck agrees. we both know olbricht hasn't the wit or the spine. no. it's you. one more thing. you were right what you said that first night. it's not enough to kill hitler. we need to isolate his chain of command. the slightest confusion could crush us. we need to be certain that no conflicting orders get out after the flash. how will you do it? god promised abraham that he would not destroy sodom if he could find just ten righteous men. i have a feeling that for germany it may come down to one.