mr. mccabe, how are you? i'm rebecca dearborn. life extension, or l.e. as we like to refer to it, is a glimpse of the future. a ticket. not in the juvenile sense, but in the deeply meaningful sense that can only be borne in the human heart. within an hour of your passing, l.e. will transfer your body to a vessel where you will be sealed and frozen at 196 degrees below zero. power outages, earthquakes, nothing will effect your suspension-hibernation. good choice. the lucid dream is life extension's newest option. for a little extra, we offer the cryonic union of science and entertainment. some find this presentation helpful. a living dream. of course, your subconscious can always play tricks on you. the subconscious is a very powerful thing - -but this is a serious business. the lucid dream is worth the risk. i love you, david. te quiero. roam free, david. most of us live our whole lives with no real adventure to call our own. it's hard to comprehend-but they laughed at jules verne too.