the cranial structure was based on thirty pins fastened by small panels and bits of bone from the mandible.  and it seems the cartilage grafts have maintained your cheek structure. unfortunately, because you were in a coma, immediate plastic surgery was impossible.
in a lefort iii - absolutely. the potential for sub-cranial brain damage was too great.
yes, we are working on processes. but it.  you're specifically not at the stage where we can experiment --
the headaches will go away -
we're not cowboys. we can't, just wing it.
we can increase your medication.
and there are things we'll continue to investigate. but there are so many others who've not been able to benefit aesthetically from plastic surgery as you have --
nobody here takes your feelings for granted. we did prepare something for you, based on the preliminary examination.
it's sometimes useful in the early stages of rejection. it's a facial prosthetic. it was two weeks in the making. the assistant opens a black-leather bound box. in it is the mask - molded from david's own face, locked into a pleasant, bland expression.
the aesthetic replacement does work. emotionally, and actually.
that's correct. exactly.
it's a helpful unit.
it's only a mask if you treat it that way.
david! hey, my brother. i felt. really bad about our last conversation.