hey. listen to me. don't blow me off. i'm all packed, i'm going back to london and i understand. you put me up for that other attorney's job, so you didn't have to fire me. a classy move, and your father would have done the same --- i became incompetent. is there anything more unbecoming than an aging mascot? i cared about your father. i lived and breathed for him. but these guys, the board, they think you're stupid. a corporate hazard, a rogue. but the word "stupid" is what david heard loudest of all. nearby, we see a woman partner taking a quick look at david. but they're going to find a way to get you out. they're lined up for your office - david scans the room. beneath the good cheer, he sees the other layer. lying. disloyalty. all part of the institution he enjoys forgetting exists. each word bashes his soul. -- your job. your life. your position. they are working day and night. to cheat you out of your 51% vote. and they are going to sell this tradition, this tradition of words, so they can eat at a better cafeteria. and what they don't know is this - - people will read again. david's gaze falls upon sofia, who is looking directly at him. and for one blinding moment, something passes between them. she looks away. he feels saved. they even have a nickname for you behind your back. david smiles faintly. understandingly. tipp kisses him on the cheek, boldly and drunkenly. he feels like a hero to himself. citizen dildo. david flinches, just a little. now you've got great instincts. but i say this with complete love. claim your life. learn to be an asshole. don't be - don ' t be- okay. forgive me. i still believe in this family. even if it's only you. david continues tracking sofia as he slips over to peter brown. david david david. i don't want to worry you, i'm holding them off. but we've got a situation here. the by-laws of the board protect your 51% vote only if you're mentally acute. now i'm sorry that poor girl died, but you've given the board a real gift with your mishap. they'd like to declare you "incapacitated." but you are back, and you sound good to me -€ so let's fight the fuckers._. and have a full recovery. and maybe you should let people see you. i mean, the last time we were together you were in a coma and you were very fucking rude to me. you didn't say a word. camera reveals the extent of david's facial damage. guys, can you give us a minute here? detective larson. detective andrews. thank you. the room empties, and tipp approaches david. i'm going to handle this exactly the way your father would have handled this. i've got it solved. she's going to be fine. david hugs tipp. yeah. now, i want you to look at these photos and then i'm going to destroy them. sofia's testimony is also in here. it won't exist. she's not going to press charges. david, wake up. as your friend, i think you should see what you did to sofia. the press won't get hold of this if you get. away quickly. david leans back in his seat. it's all of them - everybody - against him. tipp opens a file thick with paperwork, two computer discs and photos. he displays a photo to david, moving it into the light so he sees it clearly. julie gianni, battered. david, the board and i have taken care of everything. they've been really great, actually. all of this is going to disappear. we're all behind you. even the board. david looks at tipp. it's very clear now. he's one of them. david attempts calm. get out of here. a migraine is thundering in david's head. his world is spinning backwards.