his name is frank galvin. b.u. law, class of 'fifty-two. second in his class. editor of the law review. worked with mickey morrissey twelve years. criminal law and personal injury' 'married patricia harrington, nineteen sixty' 'joined stearns, harrington, pierce nineteen sixty as a full partner. resigned the firm nineteen sixt-ynine over the lillibridge case' do you? accused. not indicted. he resigned the firm. divorced nineteen seventy. galvin worked with michael morrissey until morrissey retired in 'seventy- eight. since then he's been on his own. four cases before the circuit court. he lost them all. he drinks. the man's an ambulance chaser. this is a nuisance suit. he's looking for small change. he's asking for six hundred thousand and betting we don't want to go to court. neither does he. that's where he loses. this man's scared to death to go to court. we only have to call his bluff. no. absolutely, and we're going to see that it is not. all right. but let's keep the price down. i've called ed concannon. he recommends that we continue to respond as if we're going to trial. well, of course, it's always dangerous. yes. why did he go to see mary rooney? what did he find? how good's your intelligence? and so what is the rest of his case aside from dr. thompson? thank mr. concannon for me. please tell him i'll see him at his office. legally it's over. concannon was brilliant. there's nothing to tell. it's been stricken from the record.