a man's back fills the screen. he is dressed in a black suit; his hands are clasped behind him. another man stands next to him. the second man reaches behind the first man's back and puts a discreetly folded ten-dollar bill into his hands. these two men from the front. both somber, in their early fifties. they begin to walk down the aisle of the funeral parlor. the widow. a woman in her late fifties sitting by the bier receiving condolences. the two men approach her. the first man speaks: galvin sitting, raises cup of tea to his lips. looks around deserted coffee shop. sighs. galvin, coming down the aisle toward the front, shrugging himself out of his overcoat, he approaches the bereaved widow sitting by the front of the home, he extracts his card from his pocket, starts to speak. he is stopped by the widow's son, a hefty man in his mid-forties, who interjects himself between galvin and the widow. galvin, the ground cut out from under him. standing watching the mourners enter. mickey walks into the office. stands looking at galvin. galvin in the anteroom, dressed in his suit, unshaved, having just signed the paper. he takes a piece of scotch tape from the dispenser on the desk, picks up a file folder from the coffee table. it is torn in several places and rudely scotch- taped. galvin surveys the anteroom, opens door to corridor, scotch tapes the note he has just typewritten to the outside of the door. galvin replaces the chart, puts his file, briefcase, etc. on the foot of the bed, takes a flash photo of the figure in the bed. takes another one. puts down camera, sits on the end of the bed gazing at the unseen form. he lights a cigarette, and sits looking at her. the small, sumptuously appointed italianate office. the clipping in the folder, confused galvin being led into jail, "boston lawyer held in jury tampering case." alito's hand snaps the folder shut. galvin, in his overcoat, arms full of books, reading from a textbook and trying to unlock his office door. galvin in overcoat standing outside door marked "doctors only" in bustling hospital corridor. he glances at memo slip in his hand. he opens door. camera follows him onto: galvin looking at the photo in the silver frame next to his bed. he sighs deeply. beat. reaches up to the lamp above his head and turns it off. he sits stiffly in the dark a moment, then lets his head fall back to the chair. galvin sitting on the bed looking at deborah ann. he looks up to the speaker. a slovenly irish nurse, who has come into the room and is standing by him. the other nurse is framed in the doorway. galvin is lost in thought. galvin seated across from the bishop. a young priest seated, discreetly, attentively, across the room. sherry glasses in front of galvin and the bishop. galvin drinking from his. galvin and the bishop as before. galvin finishes reading, looks up. galvin sitting at the fairly well-equipped bar, still. he looks out of the window at a building across the street. galvin downs his drink, picks his briefcase off of the bar and starts for the door. galvin, seated at the conference table intent on the form in front of him. he crosses out something with a pen. galvin takes the form, rises, walks across the room, walks by the defense table with concannon and an aide at it. approaches the jury box, which has several prospective jurors in it. galvin reading. looks up. the two of them crossing the lobby. galvin standing, he waits a beat. starts out of locker room. galvin looking in through the window of the dark, deserted ground-floor office. he knocks on the door. nothing. he knocks again. nothing. he stands unbelieving. galvin at the stand, shivering in the cold, talking on the phone. an open note pad in his bare hand. galvin dialing phone. mickey, looking pityingly at galvin. mickey sees the box of macanudo cigars on the desk, picks them up, starts to open them -- throws them across the room in disgust. laura in slacks and sweater coming out of the kitchen with her drink. she sits at worktable on which are galvin's briefcase, files, etc. galvin and laura. he is biting his nails. laura sighs, takes a drag. puts the book down on her lap. the conference room. wide. concannon's young lawyers taking notes as concannon rehearses dr. towler, a sony vtr being operated by one of them. concannon starts to stroll a bit around the conference room, in back of the assembled assistants, by the large windows, which offer a panoramic view of boston. galvin watching them, he has a large boutonniere on his lapel. galvin at the phone. galvin standing by the bell. rings it. beat. the door is buzzed, he walks into the vestibule, past mailboxes, up the stairs. galvin in hall, camera follows him to the door. concannon, in overcoat, about to go out, surrounded by an entourage of secretaries and assistants in overcoats, waiting on him. concannon and the young attorney. the young attorney into phone, "thank you." he hangs up, starts reading from his notes to concannon: the two men, galvin standing behind mickey, smoking. he nods. galvin coming through the door. galvin continuing to the defense table, mickey morrissey already seated, studying notes on a yellow legal pad. galvin sits. mickey looks up. the courtroom getting to its feet as judge william b. hoyle enters. the courtroom. p.o.v. judge. dr. thompson on the stand. composed, waiting. concannon consulting his notes. galvin, furious. the judge and witness. galvin at the plaintiff's table, hastily scribbling notes, he looks up. gets to his feet, walks over to dr. towler in the witness box, the camera moves with him. laura closes the door behind her, she does not turn on the light, walks over to a couch by the window, sits down, all the while reading the paper by the outside light. she lowers the paper to her lap. galvin watching them from behind a corner. the nurses come to the corner, galvin walks past. "notices" rooney. stops. laura sitting on the couch. tense. smoking. laura on the couch. galvin dialing the phone. mickey half seen in the next room. galvin, exhausted, smoking, on the telephone. galvin looks gratefully at her. he begins dialing the phone. interior office. early morning. galvin asleep with his head on his desk. mickey asleep in a chair. laura asleep on the couch, covered with galvin's overcoat. galvin wakes up, startled by the sound of the mail dropping. he picks up the phone mechanically. he realizes it is morning and he has been asleep. he replaces phone. he surveys the office. galvin reading the letter. he crumbles it and throws it into the wastebasket. he looks at the next letter and skims it into the wastebasket. he looks at the next letter and stops. galvin straightens, looks around the vestibule, takes heavy letter opener from his jacket pocket and pries open the rooney mailbox. he extracts letters and rifles through them. the phone bill opened. it reads, "rooney, mary a. 263 church street, arlington, mass." various local charges. one call to chicago. one call to fort lauderdale. eight calls to new york. the calls to new york are circled in pen. galvin on the phone. galvin scribbles on pad as we hear kathy hanging up. "kathy price. chelsea childcare." mickey replacing the form and the cigarettes. he re-closes the purse. he turns to her. she has seen nothing. kathy and galvin. she realizes why he is there. she starts to cry quietly. mickey morrissey standing in an alcove under the marquee, looking out at the street. mickey starting down the steps, intercepts galvin. galvin looks up, surprised. galvin at the entrance to the restaurant looking at her. he walks over to her slowly. laura getting up from the table. we see her back, and galvin approaching. we see her shoulders droop, beaten. he draws closer. galvin comes up to her, his face a mask of pain and confusion. she sighs, starts to speak. stops. beat. they look at each other -- he starts to speak, cannot. he knocks her to the floor, she upsets the table. a large man at the next table starts to restrain galvin. galvin gets up from plaintiff's table, takes up a large book as dr. towler takes the stands. he reads: kathy at the back of the court, coming down the aisle. as she passes the defendant's table, towler grabs marx and starts whispering frantically. concannon looks on, ignorant of what is happening. we hear dr. towler's "oh, my god" galvin surveys the courtroom, kathy crosses in front of him, takes the stand, we hear the bailiff administering the formula as we watch galvin turn and look at the jurors. the bailiff swearing in kathy. galvin in front of the dead-still courtroom. he breaks his reverie. galvin nods, meaning, "you did it perfectly." concannon, the judge, kathy. kathy getting down from the stand. the judge addressing galvin. the judge. he is making some notations on a page in front of him. he nods to himself, he has reached a decision. he looks up. galvin getting to his feet. galvin, silent, fuming, sitting at the table. concannon, young lawyer, dr. towler, dr. marx at defense table. plaintiff's table. galvin looking at the jury, mickey at the other end of the table. the jury box. the jurors seated, the foreman standing. galvin, totally defeated. nods his head sadly, as if commiserating philosophically, with himself. mickey looks at him in grief, with sympathy. galvin and mickey looking at her. galvin's face impassive. galvin standing framed in the doorway. he turns toward the door, his back to the camera, his shoulders slumped. he stands for a moment, sighs, straightens up, and walks through the door.