you're late, mr. galvin. why is that? let's do some business. they tell me that no bargain ever was completed other than quickly when both parties really cared to make a deal. now, have you boys tried to resolve your little difficulty because that certainly would save the commonwealth a lot of time and bother. i'm sure it is, frank: and let me tell you something. if we find it so complex, how in the hell you think you're going to make a jury understand it? see my point? let's talk a minute. frank: what will you and your client take right now this very minute to walk out of here and let this damn thing drop? i know full well she can't, frank. you see the padre on your way out and he'll punch your ticket. you follow me? i'm trying to help you. huh! that's it? come on, guys. life is too short. you tell me if you're playing 'chicken,' or you mean it. frank: i don't think i'm talking out of school, but i just heard someone offer you two hundred grand. and that's a lot of money. and if i may say, you haven't got the best of records. that's true. sometimes they change, sometimes they don't. now, i remember back to when you were disbarred. and it seems to me, a fella's trying to come back, he'd take this settlement, and get a record for himself. i myself would take it and run like a thief. hm. we have the date set? next thursday. good. see you boys in court. yes? what is it? that's perfectly all right. you should have taken their offer. especially if you were unprepared. that happens. i don't have a week. this case never should have come to trial. you know better. you're mr. independent. you want to be independent? be independent now. i've got no sympathy for you. is the plaintiff ready? defense? let's begin. do we have time this morning to. all right. mr. galvin, you want to continue now, or we can resume with dr. thompson this afternoon. sustained. yes. the witness will confine his testimony to review of the hospital records. i believe that's the law. is it not, mr. galvin? are you saying that a failure to restore the heartbeat within nine minutes in itself constitutes bad medical practice? yes, mr. galvin? i'd just like to get to the point, mr. galvin. let's not waste these people's time. answer the question, mr. witness. please. would a nine minute lapse in restoring the heartbeat in and of itself be negligence? then you're saying there's no negligence, based on my question? the doctors were not negligent. thank you. thank you. i think that's enough for this morning. i'll see the plaintiff's counsel in my chambers. now, please. i got a letter from the judge advocate's office on you today, fella, you're on your way out. they should have kicked you out on that lillibridge case. now this is it today. listen to me, fella. galvin, look, many years ago. are you done? you aren't going to get a mistrial, boy. we're going back this afternoon, we're going to try this case to an end. now you get out of here before i call the bailiff and have you thrown in jail. mr. concannon? mr. galvin, rebuttal? i'll rule on that presently. proceed. please proceed. you may step down. mr. galvin? mr. concannon? mr. concannon. one moment, mr. concannon. the document is disallowed, the jury will be advised not to consider the testimony of kathy costello regarding the xerox form. it's unsubstantiated and we can't accept a copy in preference to the original. i'm going to uphold that. overruled. noted. thank you. miss costello was a rebuttal witness. her sole rebuttal was the document, which has been disallowed. her entire testimony must be stricken from the record. you shouldn't have heard it, but you did. now, that was my mistake. and you must strike it from your minds, give it no weight. have you reached a verdict? you are not bound by anything, other than your good judgment, based on the evidence. yes. you are. please retire and.