we're leaving from my house in three hours. if you want to come, get your numbers in order by then. no first of all. i'm not in a game mood. sorry fish. i know you'll be. three hours. not on your life. it's really a stupid opinion. you have developed an annoying habit of talking for what seems to be no other reason than to hear yourself speak. no, because your opinions are idiotic and have nothing to do with what any given conversation is about, which makes 85% of your eagerly injected thought process highly offensive to me. you're an asshole. multiple reasons. i don't have to. i'm not getting a ticket. don't even start. shut up! that's one idea. you can't keep bringing up starbucks. that was your only real hit in like 75 tries. all the bullshit aside fish, we've been coming up here for what, eight years? over eight years of some of the hardest raging experiences of my life. they've all been real times. and as you prepare to enter into a new phase of life, as you prepare for new roles; father, husband, teacher, you will, as i have, come to except the letting go of of old ways. soon, the mellowing will begin. tonight we return once again to the cave. tonight we let the monsters out. we fill ourselves with the spirits of genghis kahn, joe namath, jfk, paton, lombardi, hemingway. no. no. no. it's what my father said to me. he said it and he meant it. he said to me. he said, adam, he said. he told me and i heard him. he said. hell he said so many goddamn things i can't remember everything he said for christsake. are you solid with that? then fuck what your father said, cause i'm gonna tell you right now. you'll know what it's all about, why you got married and why you love her when you wake up at three in the morning, and the streetlight's coming through the window and it's just catching a corner of her face, like a sleeping angel. and her hair smells sweet and she's your's. she's all your's. do you see where i'm going here? don't ever stare him down. don't eyeball your kids. i tell mine that they're little men. i tell them they're strong. they make me feel joy. i let 'em know. so they really know that i need them just as much. you know. just as much man. and you know, you're their godfather. if anything ever happens to me. y'see? that's the real point here. that's what i'm driving for, when the big storm comes and knocks down all the forests and the rocks fall down and the leave's are bare. what's left? the little trees, the little fellas that the storm didn't see. the tiny little. excellent. i need a drink. don't touch her. call 911. she's dead. she's got no fucking pulse. either side you idiot. i'm calling playing? what? what are you talking about? i'm calling the ambulance. calling the ambulance. we have to call the ambulance. what did you do? her head's bashed in and her heart isn't beating. you're a lying deviant. what did you do?! why was the floor wet? why?! we have a dead woman bleeding all over the bathroom. what options? call the police. that is not an "option." there is no multiple choice here. stop it! just stop. i'm calling the police. you don't play games with homicide police. there are no options here. there is not the luxury of worrying about how the fallout will settle. sure, why not. you don't just casually walk out of a vegas casino with a dead woman. have you completely lost your mind? so you get her out of here. so you get her out into the desert somehow, without anybody seeing, so what, you don't think at some point somebody might notice that she's gone? her blood is all over the bathroom. i'd say that's a bit of a dna problem. bullshit it's not accessory. i didn't do shit. you call the cops, you explain it was an accident. so! i didn't fucking do it! that's a horrible ugly comment. "dead whore?" she's a person! i've got a wife and two boys. how do we get her out of here? you don't think someone will have a problem with a body being thrown off a balcony? what about the blood? have you ever done this before? i'm not wrecking the transmission! wait. wait a minute. we can't do this. no, i mean the suitcases. we can't bury them in suitcases. it's sacrilegious. according to jewish law, the blood and limbs are considered to be part of the human being. they must be buried together or their souls won't rest in peace. no we're not. the bodies are all mixed up. we can't do this to them. that is absolutely not true. open the suitcases, unpack the body parts and reunite the limbs. it has to be done. i am not flexible on this. we are all going straight to hell. either hell or prison, whichever comes first. this is pathetic. what did you say? don't point at me. i have plenty of friends. the hell i don't. what are you fucking talking about? i want you to hear me out. you and i have done nothing. you especially. we are innocent. we are. we go to the police. we tell them the truth. now. before they find out. now. we save ourselves. we save ourselves. it's our only chance. right. fucking boyd. that fucking idiot. they're on to us. boyd you idiot, the shit's coming down! you got us into this mess. would you, shush?! these phones aren't secure! don't talk to me about character. fuck you boyd! knock it off! they're driving me nuts! it's a disgusting song. what? what did you say? i didn't hear you. what? later. fine. oh my god. it's okay. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. there is no candy! have you thought about what i said? i got a migraine like a little monkey kicking in the side of my skull, mike tyson with a fucking sledge hammer trying to crack. where's the bathroom? i can't fucking breathe. i'm sorry. i can't do this. we're gonna get caught. i know we're gonna get caught. they were eyeballing my car. at the seven-eleven. they're on me. they're smoking me out! i don't give a damn. and you're a little fucking reject. hey! if you ever touch my minivan again, i'll make you sorry. real sorry. you're the loser! a big black hole sucking up everything you touch! you murdered that girl! murderer! murderer! i didn't do anything! i'll turn your pathetic ass in! i won't calm down. i can't do this. we can't do this. it won't work. it will not work. i'm talking about dna samples, fiber optics, search parties, they got infrared scanners, fbi scientists. they figure this shit out. they always figure it out. i got children. i've got a life. you fucking bastard! don't you threaten me you little rat fuck. go home! no. i'm not boyd. i am not cool at all. noooo!!!!