i don't see how this could have been kept from you. the facts are quite simple; last month adam and lois changed their will. they requested that you two, as a married couple, be the custodians of record for their estate including all properties, cash holdings, security holdings and. children. you are legal custodians of the brenn trust. there's more. adam and lois were not terribly prudent in terms of providing for the possibility of the unforeseen. i'm talking about life insurance. i'm talking about money. yes money. adam had a five hundred thousand dollar term life insurance policy. actually, no. adam was switching to a whole life policy, but re-scheduled his medical exam. and failed to make his last payment. so his term life lapsed. so it's value is null and void. now he did have a pension account, worth another 150 thousand. and a house. valued at 350 thousand. no. not even close. with property values down, the house is worth 100,000 less than 450 he paid for it. with three credit cards, the minivan payments, and other outstanding debts. plus the income and estate taxes assessed on his so. when is the wedding.