david boyd. tina. great. okay. here's the deal, we're talking five guys. hard rock. nice guys tina. my friends. yeah. i'm calling you directly so you don't have to go through the agency. hey! do not enter the house! that's correct. cash straight to you. yes. twelve hundred? i don't think so. it's just stripping. just a show. hold on. just stay off the property until i'm off the phone. cause that's the way they do it. so it's five guys, hard rock casino. nine hundred bucks and you do the thing with the rubber hoses. are you in? tina, are you in? good. david boyd, nice to meet you. you're a fucking moron. the hell i did! the hell i did! i never heard that. well, i didn't mean it. four hours and fifteen minutes. i can make vegas in 3 and change. who's up for making some real money? you want to hear me out? moore? fish? prison communication systems. an acquaintance friend of mine is professionally involved with a communications outfit in denver that i just happen to know for a fact is about to be rewarded a very large, exclusive contract to rewire every state prison in colorado. yes sir. that would translate to government guaranteed contract in excess of 35 million dollars. or a stock kick of approximately 125% on shares which are currently sitting around $4.38, or, in plain english. what is wrong with you people? i'm a helper here. that's the whole point. they rarely work out. but on occasion they do. and when they do, they do big. oh really? starbucks? one idea that if you had fucking listened to, you would each be worth approximately 15 million dollars. i set up fisher with the broker that found his house. took care of that one, didn't i? prison communications. fine. don't come crying to boyd. no sir. more. but not tonight. jack kerouback, herman melville, henry miller and hunter s. thompson. i dedicate this evening to fear and to major loathing. so from sun set to sun rise, let me be heard. i don't hate women. false. not true. i am a lover. in africa, you can stay king as long as you can service your women every night. new king. if i'm the king of israel, i say to myself, king, i say to myself, king. take a good look around. what do i see? then what do they have? i say to myself, look at the map. look what's all around you. people who wish bad bad things for you and your people. for thousands of years the jews are fighting everybody. it used to be they'd throw rocks, then the iron revolution and they would attack with spears. then the gunpowder revolution. now they're shooting fire power back and forth, all day bullets flying, babies getting shot. now if i'm the king of israel and all these sand niggers are armed to the gills and you know it's just a matter of time. right? am i right? there's my point exactly. take mexico. look up the chickens, dig up the holy dirt, pack up the wailing crying wall thing they bang their heads on all day long, stick it all on a big fucking tug boat. the whole country picks up and takes mexico. the mexicans would love it. they're dying for a little order down there. they need direction. that's what i'm saying. let the israelis straighten it up. they got plenty of room down there, number one. plus, and this is just a plus, they kind of look alike -- the jews and the mexicans. so i think on a whole your average joe mexican is gonna have less of a problem getting his head around the whole assimilation thing. am i right? gentlemen, this is tina. she's all your's fish. anything you want. happy bachelor party. i'll take good care of you. tequila. you don't know what you're doing. where do you look? what side of the neck? wait! what are you doing? what do you think you are doing? just wait a second. wait one second. okay. what are you doing? why? why? she's dead. why are you calling an ambulance? why? no. shut up. shut up. everybody shut up. listen to me! listen to me. please. everybody just calm down a bit here. okay. first. are we sure she's dead? are you sure this was an accident? stop it! listen to me. let's just take a second here and take hold of the situation, ok? let's just review our options here. call the police. okay, that's one option. yes sir, there sure is an option here. there are always options. well we can definitely call the police. that's an easy call. if we call the police. what happens? they find a dead prostitute in the bathroom. they ask us. what happened? we say, ah. our friend, michael. your brother. got a little out of control. they were making love. and he got a little excited. and he, ah, sort of beat her head into the side of a toilet, while he choked her to death with a rubber hose. there's more. just giving the facts. what were we doing officer? why didn't we help her? well. we're all a bit high, you know, bachelor party, that kind of thing. fisher here is getting married in three days. beautiful wife. he didn't have anything at all to do with it. it was all michael here. just michael. i've known him for while maybe twenty years kind of a close friend but hey what the heck officer, take him away, go on it's for his own good. bury her out in the desert. we can take her out to red rock. find some quiet place. and put her in the ground. we can do this. we can get her out of here. nobody knows she's here. i called her personally. nobody knows. nobody knows. it's a marble floor, we can clean it up. what's insane is the fact that michael here put a fucking girl's head through a toilet. that's insane. her fucking head was caved in. she's got bondage burns on her wrists. there's blow all over the room, moore looks like he went at it with a mountain lion. this room looks like the manson family stayed here a month. michael goes down, we all go down. lets take a vote. a simple vote. two choices; we clean up the mess. right now. bury it in the desert, go home, and never look back. or, we can call the police. open those doors, roll the dice and hope that it's only michael who falls. let's take a vote. desert. or police? desert. nobody knows she's here. wrap her up in blankets. bring the car around to the back of the hotel, throw her off the balcony, put her in the car. done. we check out the area and wait for a time when it's clear. someone goes to walmart, gets some buckets, brushes, mops, spic and span, the works. the reality is, you take away the horror of this situation, take away the tragedy of the death, take away the moral and ethical implications of all the crap you have had conditioned, beaten, into your head since grade one. what are we left with? what? a 115 lb. problem. 115 lbs. that must be moved from point a to point b. now, a straight line in the shortest distance but we are denied the luxury of a visible straight line. but that line exists and i see it. i see that line. trust me. adam. trust me. i can take care of this. what is it? what? she's not here. she's here. she's just. hold on a second. who? yup. that's right. she's in the bathroom. she's still working. that's right. great. fine. perfect. she's in there! help me! don't let him bleed on the carpet! he'll bleed out! he'll bleed dry. help me hold the door. all right people. new plan. not even a new plan so much as a modification of the old plan. so help me god you touch that phone and i bury you with them. surrender is no longer an option. i repeat -- it is not an option. is there anyone who does not understand that? a little gut check time fellas. a time for some serious self- exploration. how do i function? for real? no more bullshit. can i keep my cool when they bounce my bananas? when they won't play my fucking song? etc, etc. do you get me? do you get me? not a problem. understand not my words, but follow my orders. follow my orders we will organize, we will mobilize, we will maximize and prioritize. let's do it people. all right. looking good people. sun rises at 5:52. what? we've already done this. how do you figure? so that's what we're doing. she's asian. they don't have jews in asia. well what the fuck are we supposed to do? we have to get going. alright. let's do it. i got her arm. now i am the last to say that we have done here is a good thing. it's not. it's not a good thing. but it was, given the circumstances, the smart play. we did what had to be done. and. well. i'm proud of us. i'm proud of each and every one of us. we performed. under the most complex and nerve shattering of situations, we stood fast and we delivered. i feel proud. wrong. that is flat out wrong. hell is for cowards, for hypocrites who fear to live by the strength of their own convictions. this is war. given the circumstances and given the fact that we are alive and they are not, we have chosen life over death. two wrongs don't make a right. so our conviction and execution would only mean more death here, not less. that is a load of shit. personal power has nothing to do with any of this. tony robbins has helped me to unlock energy and see my options more clearly, yes, but to give him credit for this, for all of this. well that's just more than the man deserves. what kind of words? go ahead. speak from the heart my brother. no, this is the perfect time. this is real time. adam. your brother and i, as well as several others present, have always suspected that you. . are a fully repressed, living in major denial, locked down, fly-boy butt-fucker. let's go! the past is the past. today is the beginning of the rest of our lives. however it goes, the point is, nobody says anything to anyone ever. right?. right? you're goddamn right. adam? oh that's just nothing. that's just a missing persons thing, that's all. no. i said nobody knew she was coming to the hotel. what does that mean? oh i did? i think it was your little rat fuck brother who decided to play hamburger helper with the hooker's head. lighten up adam. show some character. watch the tone fella. any time fat boy! fisher had a less than normal relationship with that donkey. the problem was our quarterback had trouble remembering his right from left. ok. definitely not cool! definitely inappropriate behavior here. negative. this is not what we have worked out in terms of presented behavior. what is your problem? what? who? what are you talking about? nobody's smoking anybody out. you got some mighty fucking fine bad timing adam. we got a rehearsal situation here. shut your fucking mouths!!! adam! calm down. it has worked. they won't figure it out. this is going to stop right now. right now! why don't you just cool out. go home and go to sleep. just go home, chill the fuck out. okay? just go home. all right. let's all go back in. adam? you're cool right? it was just a crazy freak accident. he thought the car was in reverse. he didn't realize. no. no. we were just all outside just talking. the wedding. we were talking bout how it was going to be one of the last times for us to all be together with fisher not being married. well i can't really comment on what "a lot of people" thought. i can only tell you that we had a horrible accident here and were all feeling extremely traumatized and your questions are a bit poorly timed. we're in full on grieving mode right now thank you very much officer. randone. no easy boyd! i got a best friend in there in pieces. how about a little sensitivity? the need to know is clear. what did adam tell lois? that's the name of the game. what did adam tell lois? what does lois know? you want some breakfast meat, michael. is that what you want? easy michael. okay. time to fly. you will get yourself together here mister. are you hearing me? he is not cracking up. what did you ask me? what is the question you asked me? yes, you did. now that is the question! that is exactly the question we should be asking ourselves. you tell me fisher. what have we done? say it again. what you just said. say it again. exactly! exactly my point. i'm not talking to you? you want to know what you are doing here?! you are love pumping. you are protecting all that is sacred and beautiful and in sync with poetry and sunsets and little newborn babies. you are walking the walk. this is it fisher, the real stuff. you love this woman. love is second to nothing. i love you. i love moore. i love michael. this car is full of love, and nothing -- absolutely nothing -- supersedes love, man. nothing. we will do what it takes. whatever it takes. love does not lose. easy michael. we're not goosed. what is her disposition? does she sound pissed, scared, hostile? did she mention the police? michael get a grip. what did you tell her? stop it! stop. give me the valium. give me two more. open sesame. suck my ass. what are you talking about? i don't understand where this personal attack is coming from. nothing happened in vegas. michael. tell lois that nothing. he's upset about adam. we're all upset. lois please. and it wasn't the first time. he had a thing about prostitutes. we're sorry. mommy just needs a little time out. everything's gonna be okay. okay? okay. after you drop the kids off, take michael home. put a few drinks in him so he'll sleep. just do it. take care of business. and what does that mean? are you insane?! you think i would hurt lois?! she's the mother of those kids! what is wrong with you? you got a nasty side to your thought process. okay. here's the deal and it's a good one. lois is cool. it's a pacified situation. i'm talking about lois having relaxed her anxiety. only deal is. you still got michael there? good deal. lois just wants to hear it from michael. that it was all an accident. she wants to here it from michael's mouth. that's right. hold on a sec. lois, you sure you wouldn't rather do this in the morning? she says now's the time. i got a peace treaty thing happening over here. let's get this over with. okay michael, let's go. upsy daisy big guy. come on tough guy. listen to me. you are going to tell lois that it was all an accident. okay cowboy? you got me? he's fine. okay mikey, let's go. you guys stay here. michael was having an affair with lois. that's what michael and adam were arguing about in the parking lot. michael killed adam in a jealous rage. lois broke it off with michael, he strangled her to death and then shot himself in the head. happens all the time. that lois fought like a fucking comanche. okay, we're about two minutes out. moore, better take your position. chop chop. this is a situation that defies judgement. we have acted and showed courage that is not of a kind known by most. my what? you care to add a little specification to that slanderous accusation? okay fine. whatever you say kojak. i'm serious. i'm the serious one here. i'm the one making the play. i'm the indian runner. and i want my money. blood money. insurance dollars that you have thus fucking far decided not to tell me about at all. in no way have you mentioned that money. and i find that to be very very offensive. and if you think you can fuck me, don't. cause i'm fucking insulated fisher. protected. backed up on floppy. do you get me? i want my fucking money! i'm a lifesaver. a lighthouse. up all night in the rain, in stormy gale force wind, tornado and fucking earthquakes. i stay lit for you. i stay lit. i don't go dark. i never go dark! i want that money!