this is ridiculous. why can't we do it through the mail? can't we do it on the phone? why is this kid staring at me? did you send in all of the deposit checks? what do you mean, you think so? the wedding cake check? photographer? florist? caterer? hotel for my parents, the tent, the band, the judge. you forgot the tent? why? why did you forget the tent check? you can't play around with these tent people. what else have you forgot? i'm working my ass off here. i've taken care of absolutely everything keith. don't you dare. don't you put this on me. don't do it, don't do it, don't do it, don't. you know how important this is to my mother. you know that. i bet you didn't forget the bachelor party checks. i'm just saying i bet those checks all found the mailboxes. it amazes me how organized you and your little fun bunch can be when it comes time to mobilize to vegas. well it's bad timing. right before the wedding? i suppose boyd is the creative force behind all this. he's a moron. david boyd is a big sack of hot gas. why do you feel the need to explore this side of your personality? i'm talking about the kind of people you hang out with. about growing up, assuming responsibility of yourself. i just think that at some point you're going to have to re-evaluate some of your friendships. charles moore for instants. it's not that i don't like him. but the wedding has really got me thinking and. i just keep myself opening up. growning. and i want you keeping up with me here. i just don't see him in the big picture. he's weird. he's weird. why? what's his problem? he's weird. and i expect more from you. you're going to be hungover for three days. like those guys on "oprah" that get drunk and have disgusting sex with prostitutes and then say their vows with the stench of cheap hotel whore sex all over them. it's vile! i've seen it on television. i am not common keith. i am not common. i am a creature like no other and i will not be commoned! is that to much to ask? is that to much to ask!?! marriage license please. do you love me? how much? kiss me? we've got problems here. seating problems. keith do not trivialize this. we're supposed to have gold-trimmed padded seats, now they're telling me that there was a mistake and we can't have padded. not padded ones. you go down there. go down to the seat place and straighten this out. i need your help. i need your help. do you love me? take care of those chairs. maybe. embarrassing, shameful. the stone age. a mutant species. will you please call the chair people? do you love me? just call and let me know that your okay. have a nice bachelor party. hello. hi. are you calling from jail? well, the night is young. did you straighten out the chair situation? that's sweet. well you should. just a bit of organizing. yeah. nesting. go have fun. not too much. hello. where are you? how late? what about the chairs? what okay? the chairs. you sound funny. did you do cocaine? do you love me? what's the word on the chairs? then you'd better work on it in the car. we gotta go see the judge. i kind of like "till death do us part." i mean, this is forever. in sickness and in health, through good times and bad. honey, what do you think? we don't think so. i mean, we just want the singing when i come out. we're just going to have the leader of the band sing alone with his guitar. acoustic. "you send me." you know, darling you. you send me. darling you. you mend me. honey, sing it for judge tower. "at first i thought it was infatuation. but oh it's lasted so long" i love it. i just love, love, love, love it. we're in no hurry. i think we'll take some time to enjoy each other, enjoy our freedom before we surrender ourselves to kids. we will. after the wedding, which we're paying for ourselves, and this house. that's our plan. keith? is everything okay, honey? well, can you come back inside? now? keith?! are they fighting? cancel?! cancel?! are you out of your fucking mind?! no way. talk what out? we are locked and loaded here. we are non-refundable. i've got relatives on the airport right now! i've got. answer it! we're not canceling. i won't even discuss it. i need you to pick up the cake tomorrow. yeah. you. my god. money? what does that mean? no. well, oh. so where's that leave us? tomorrow we are getting married tomorrow. it's okay. it's okay baby. cry for mama. cry for mama. cry for boom boom. it's okay. don't even. what? what kind of stupid question is that? what are you talking about? who's dead? you fucked a prostitute? you killed a prostitute. call the police. my god. you've got to call the police, tell them it was an accident. where is she? you left a dead prostitute out in the desert? alone? stop! you stop right here. i don't want to know anymore. i told you not to do this bachelor party thing. you were warned. no buts. i told you your friends were jackasses. no buts. i've waited twenty-seven years, twenty-seven years i have focused and prepared to walk down that aisle. i will not be derailed! i will not be embarrassed! i will not be denied! i am walking down that aisle tomorrow come hell or high fucking water! i told boyd two fucking minutes! here comes the bride. i do. what does that mean? like how? the only proof is those bodies. move the bodies. thank you. thank you. we will. bye bye. you and moore move the bodies and bury boyd with them. in fact, put moore in the ground too. if you don't tie up all the lose ends it'll never be over. you put him down or don't bother coming back. do you love me? do you love me?!