notice how clean and well-behaved they all appear, respectable members of modern society. timmy, adam jr., take a good look at this. we will compare these before photos with whatever form of degeneration presented to us in 24 hours, no matter how low, how vile. regression of modern man to his most primitive, ape-like state. the post-vegas man. okay boys, smile! all right. as you were. group shot. here we go boys! yes sir, compare and contrast time! feeling a little hungover are we? do you kids take note? see how pathetic daddy and his jackass friends look?! don't snap at them! they're singing. honey, go in there and get some starbursts. they're screaming for starbursts. they're screaming like monsters and it's giving me a headache. go get some fucking starbursts. where's the candy? what do you mean? it's it's a goddamn mini-mart?! keith. it's lois. i just found a note up in adam's study. it's some kind of crazy confession about killing a stripper and cutting up bodies and. i never liked you boyd. you're a snaky little fuck. always have been. don't sweet lip me. you're a liar. i want to know what happened in vegas. i don't want to hear it from the liar. stick a plug in it boyd. fisher? what happened in vegas? moore? michael? do you have something to tell me? shut up boyd! michael? what? i will call the police right now if i don't start getting some answers. fuck you boyd. what? my adam? you picked the wrong woman mother- fucker!