that's just insecurity. just insecurity. nut crunching gut splinters. it means she's insecure. mike brenn. yes. yes. 14.3 at 7.5 for 6. at 29.83 at 9. i'm amazed the windows don't blow out of their fucking sockets with all the repressed, ass-puckering rage in these soul-less lizards. same alarm clock every morning, same two pops on the same snooze button. michael brenn. yes. yes. hold your horses. okay. got it. 6.321 at 17.28 for 6.6 at 9.256 out at you're not breathing right? first of all. you're interrupting a personal conversation. i don't care for him. so? it's my fucking opinion. because my opinion threatens yours, it's poorly developed? boyd brought up divorce statistics. the hell you didn't! you said one in two marriages end in divorce. you're an asshole adam. oh, and why am i an asshole? name one. nope. no! your ideas never work out. drum banging real times. franco mother-fucking harris! you hate women. true. you have a king fantasy. and what happens when you can't? israel doesn't have a king. they have a president. a benjamin yahoo something. what's your point? the israelis can protect themselves. they got the mossad thing happening. mossad's for real, man. they scalp babies. what? what's your point? what? they need leadership. god, i love women. i'll take a ride. come on. i want to play. i will pay. standing in the door, face ghost white, blood dripping from his fingers. i really fucked up. i was just playing. we were playing just playing around. we were playing. she slipped. she hit her head. she slipped. you never heard of accidents?! get off me! it was an accident! the floor was wet. she slipped! i don't know why the floor was wet! i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. fish, i'm really sorry. i just. i owe you man. desert. not really. no. why? just go ahead and say what's on your mind. you're pathetic. you're not a team player. you never were a team player. that's why you never had any friends. the hell you do. you have acquaintances -- business friends and superficial golf buddies. you have always been a fringe player. you have some serious male on male intimacy problems. right. at the newsstand on 3rd. they're not on to us. i'm gonna call boyd. you said nobody would miss her. the problem was coaching. poor leadership. what's the problem adam? about anybody but yourself. you never have. eat my ass! you're a loser. you're the loser! you think your shit's so fucking righteous! fuck you! you were there with us, boy! right there! side by fucking side!!! you got a retarded kid and a fat pig wife. you will not screw this up. don't you fucking threaten me -- i'll fucking kill you. you go home! mr. fucking minivan. ball park sausages. franco harris has a flare for the dramatic. the former pittsburgh steeler running back, beat known for "the immaculate reception," his improbable sixty yard ricochet reception. i say ricochet reception has made a bold move on corporate america. harris has lead a group of investors in the purchase of the park sausage company. by taking on the challenge of resurrecting park's, harris is engaged in the equivalent of a sudden death overtime. he must take an open-field run to profitability through excessive debt large competitors and dwindling market share. before the clock runs out. i killed my brother! i ran down my brother in cold blood. shame on me! shame! shame! shame! time to pay the man. "for if we confess our sins he is faithful and just, to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." "kill one man and you are a murderer! kill millions and you are a conqueror -- kill all and you are a god!" "the memory of the just is blessed but the name of the wicked shall rot." we're goosed. we're goosed! goosed by god! goosed! goosed! goosed! goosed. lois we were bad, we were very, very bad. do you hear buzzing fish? yeah. i got some kind of buzzing. like a zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz thing just chipping away in the back of my skull. yeah, well, it's a nasty problem. dad used to bring home these sparklers to me and adam. out back we'd light 'em up. the three of us. we'd hold 'em up to the sky and watch the explosions of light. sparks. and dad would be all. "get ready". "watch for it". "here it comes," here comes the "wahoo" the sparkler would burn hot, then hotter, then even hotter. and there would be one moment of pure burn when that little fucker would cook just perfect. perfect. it would only last a second, but that second was it. it was it. that's what dad had us looking for. you get me? that's my point! you see man. burning at his absolute. to see all the forces just come together, just right, you know, just in perfect harmony. that's what i'm driving at. you get me? i've been looking for that flash and i look and i look and i can't find it. and what if i already had it? you know. my moment? what if it's gone? and i never saw it? you're getting married, man. that's a fucking beautiful thing. just a beautiful thing. i just can't stop breaking beautiful things. you see for me it's over. over baby. i'm gonna turn myself in. after the wedding of course. after the wedding. out of respect. i said out of respect. respect for you fisher. for you and your wedding and your beautiful bride. there will be no more rain. you see where i am here? no. no. no. this is my doing. you see i'm gonna have my wahoo spark for my own. for lois and the kids, for my brother, for franco. i'm gonna turn myself in. i am all that. i'm gonna do it for sweet lois. if i was to think. if i were to think. no i mean i have thinked it over. i have. and without putting a lot of pressure on you i just. well i just. well if you do think about names. michael's a pretty good one. it's done me all right. how about my fatburger? i love you.