) daryl lindenmeyer was only here briefly, one semester at most. but he was singularly the most brilliant student i ever had in a classroom. he created programs so beautiful, so lyrical, they were almost like symphonies. ) there is one program with approximately 1.3 million lines of programming. it is thoroughly secured, which is not surprising considering lindenmeyer created it. ) hard to say lindenmeyer's protection mechanisms were always diabolically clever. i'm afraid i don't have very good news. yes. but then i tripped over an erasure mine. i accidently triggered a protection mechanism which erased the entire program. it was very wellhidden. there was no way to see it until it was too late. look, i feel bad about this, so i'm going to try to look into the programming of his maestro teaching tool for you. ) i've had one sitting around for years. maybe i can learn something that you'll find useful. i've discovered something about lindenmeyer'5 maestro teaching tool i thought you should know. the harm done to the music students who used the device it was not by accident. the machine was designed explicitly for that purpose. lindenmeyer intended to hurt the kids using it.