my first two pairs of convicts suffered the same fate. i'll tell you one thing - there is no way in hell we should allow any real officers to train in this damn thing. i'll walk him out. you all right? donley started experiencing the attack for real. if i hadn't gotten you out, the same thing would have happened to you. you may not believe this, parker, what the hell did you have to shoot the busboy for? you were supposed to act as if everything was real. before you, nobody else had gotten close enough to sid 6.7 to take a shot at him. hell, nobody else had even been able to start tracking him before he got to them first. new scar you making it okay in there? ) you've got to know i tried keeping you out of general population. goddam politicians. don't give up, parker. not ever. what about them? take care, pal. parker barnes, i'd like you to meet crime czar elizabeth deane. these were taken inside letac an hour ago. pretty pictures, aren't they? name was clyde reilly. hardware specialist. letac surveillance cameras got a picture of the perp as he left the building. we don't know how, but sid 6.7 made himself into an android. whatever. if you can catch him. recognize this? how would you like your old job back? if you try to run, i'll hunt you down and kill you myself. there's already a task force out looking for lindenmeyer. every other officer in the city will be hunting sid right along with you. she's going to help you understand what makes sid 6.7 tick. this is the personnel file on the programmer, lindenmeyer. there might be something in it you can use. fine you want to stay here? officers in toluca lake just found an affluent couple. completely gutted. so were the first two cops to arrive on scene. sid 6.7 is now armed. be careful with it. madison lives two blocks from their present location. i don't know. illegal search of lindenmeyer' s duplex. eleven civilian vehicles damaged or destroyed. twentyfour citizen complaints. and the calls are just starting to come in. i forgot what it's like to have you on the streets. none. he could be hiding, he could be helping sid, or could be in little pieces on santa monica beach. any idea what sid's going to do next? in other words, we collectively don't know shit. don't blame yourself. in your shoes, i don't think i would have told parker, either. so do you think grimes has become the dominant personality? you think he's smart? barnes wouldn't kill two innocent guards. do i need to remind you what happened to his wife? to his daughter? i will stake my reputation that barnes didn't kill those guards. what failsafe? i think we both know who did. what's so urgent? why didn't anybody tell me?! this is a police department. i'll be damned if this is going to go on without my knowledge. give me 30 seconds, then flip every switch you can reach. just paying my last respects. the heat's been causing brown out's all over the city. get above ground until it's restored. nobody's going to fry anybody. don't worry, they have no idea where you are. she saved your life, parker. she didn't have to, but she did. the sonofa-bitch is still out there, parker. on my life, i promise you i will. hears the order over his radio headset. he races toward the bridge. as do a dozen other cops. hey, sid, what were you planning on doing with the c-4?