the cuffs won't be necessary. i would like the following three things in this order: your mouth shut, his cuffs off, and your ass outside the door. any questions? no, i just like the effect a tape recorder has on you. how you feeling today? in other words, par for the course. how do you feel about the simulation you participated in yesterday? i know. i was there. i saw the whole thing. if i was your therapist, i would have advised you against putting yourself back into that kind of situation. that's not true, parker. what was going through your mind when you killed the busboy? you didn't see the expression you had on your face when you pulled the trigger. but i did. you kind of liked it, didn't you? that thrill of going over the edge again. of taking out an innocent bystander or two, as long as you got the target. it was just like before, wasn't it? wasn't it? but you are making progress. instead of killing seven people to get the one you're after, this time there was only one other person involved. get out! i need to know what snapped in you. what made you capable of it. you have to make me understand. ms. deane, you wanted to see me? what's the assignment? quite an improvement. hair well above the collar standard, l. a. p. d. regulation. what exactly am i going to be doing in the field? this is parker barnes six years ago. the most decorated cop in the history of l. a. p. d. special investigations division. letting a lunatic like parker barnes loose in the free world is like lighting a fuse. at some point, he will go off -- you saw what happened in the simulator. the risk to the public is unacceptably dangerous. the man played judge, jury, and executioner with eight people's lives. he lost control and is capable of doing it again. what you need is a collar. you remember how to get to toluca lake? what are you doing?! it wasn't a lie. you all right? you ready for this? he was reenacting charles manson's labianca murders. whoever did this wanted to do charlie one better to improve upon what was already done. i've spent over 50 hours interviewing him. charlie killed leno and rosemary labianca because of the ugly way the members of his family had butchered sharon tate. after seeing the blood bath on television, he wanted to show them how it should be done. the question is, what does charlie have to do with sid 6.7? you drive well for somebody who hasn't done it in five years. he had a twin brother who was a musical child prodigy who died in an electrical accident at age eight. lindenmeyer went into an emotional shell until was 17. all he did day and night was play the violin. every music school in the country rejected him and he turned to computers. stay here. any sign of lindenmeyer? mind if we take a look inside? do what you've got to do. so will i. you've got a problem with me carrying a gun? checking my pulse. it's elevated. you enjoy frightening me, don't you? this lindenmeyer's a real piece of work. i'm still working on it. remember a few years ago when music schools were using a computerized teaching tool that accidently started frying kids' brains? the government must have figured there was no better person to create a psycho than a psycho. i am the demon from the bottomless pit. i am impressed. who said that? he's part of the mix. sid 6.7 is a composite. lindenmeyer put increasingly complex combinations of criminal psychological profiles together to develop the ultimate villain. but rather than selecting pieces from each individual, he simply let the stronger traits of each individual cannibalize the weaker ones. it's a good bet a couple of the dominant personalities teamed up to overpower the others. the question is, which one of the dominants then finally managed to take control? ) he'll let us see the ingredients that went in, but not how the soup turned out after stirring. as a matter of fact, it is. dahmer carried the head of one of his victims in a bowling bag for over a week. kept it in his locker while he was at work in a candy factory. we need to get a look at sid 6.7's final profile. in order to find him, we have to understand what makes him tick. think you can get into the program? not this one, but the next one. the one with the bicycle out front. give me your wrist. and i'm going to make sure of it. give me your wrist. grimes, you better not be the dominant. how did you get your hand out? i prefer keeping my professional life separate from my personal life. thank-you. her name is karin. i told you, it was on the way and i wanted to change clothes. sid 6.7 is no longer bound by his programming. now that he's in the real world, there are no longer limitations on his behavior like there were in virtual reality. sid is going to evolve. what i do know is that whatever he's becoming, sid 6.7 is going to be even worse than he was before. buying two coffees from a downtown street vendor. she returns to the squad car, which is barely moving. traffic is at a near standstill because of an accident. you know, considering you've only been out of prison for seven hours, you're readapting quite well. wait, i didn't mean that the way it sounded. i meant. dammit, i hate sounding so clinical all the time. all i meant to say was i thought you were doing well, but then i. i ruin so many moments by analyzing them when i should just be living them. that's only a couple blocks from here. don't get out of the car. parker! parker! shit! what the hell's going on?! what did you do to those people? enjoying yourself? this isn't a game, parker! that who i think it is? you have nothing in common. i'm doing the best i can! any sign of lindenmeyer? until we know what new influences are affecting him, we can't be sure. were you able to get into the program? let us know. whatever he was doing here was only the start. i don't know, yet. what we do know is his performances are increasing in scale, not decreasing. whatever it is, he isn't finished. you mind playing that part again? freeze it there you've discovered media, haven't you? you like the attention. the power. you like being a star. what are you going to do next, star? what are you going to. you do like to watch, don't you? if any of you are looking for daryl lindenmeyer, that's him. it's not just sid 6.7's performances that are increasing. stars need bigger and bigger audiences. whatever sid is going to do next, it's going to involve media. slow down! parker. .parker! you could have just flashed him your badge, you know? which way? shit! leaps off the descending escalator on the southbound side and rushes to parker. what were you shooting at? parker - stop! stop! don't make me shoot you lines up her shot. hands shaking. with both fear and determination. her finger presses down on the trigger. but she can't do it. dammit! let me help you. call 9-1-1. wait for me above ground. do you have any idea the trauma you put that kid through?! no! grimes isn't back. he's only one part of sid. sid 6.7 is a hell of a lot worse than grimes ever was. get a hold of yourself! what's going on? parker. i should have told him. i'm not sure. my guess is that's what sid wants us to think. captain, i'm afraid of how smart sid 6.7 is. but i'm even more afraid of what's he's becoming. oh, shit! speeding recklessly through city streets in her car. she doesn't stop for red lights. not for grid-lock. not for nothing. there is no way parker killed those guards. no way. i need your help-- i don't set policy. you have the key? got it. we know you didn't kill those guards. he didn't know about the neural toxin. i did. how did you find out about the toxin? you're not capable of it. i was wrong. and i was wrong not to tell you grimes was part of sid. i should have told you. i won't make the same mistake again. the rally's a little obvious as a target, don't you think? sid 6.7 isn't grimes. i'm not sure. on the bridge. the guy at the payphone. thanks. i figured you'd show up sooner or later. find out anything? can i ask you something? you've already fulfilled the terms of your pardon. you stopped sid 6.7 and you've got his module. you're free to go right now. why are you going to do this? that's why i'm asking. what's wrong with parker? show me his physical sensory level. turn it down! what's wrong? talk so i can understand. then fix it. you okay? more or less. my guess is dead. i don't know. let's get out of here. give him a break, would you? lindenmeyer never got over wanting to kill kids with more musical than he had. hey, parker. i couldn't tell you. duck! what do we do now? what should we do with it?