five years can be a bitch, huh? where's john? recital's over, asshole. shit! somebody. .do something! he. only had a year left on his sentence. why'd. .you pull me out? he was a computer program for crissake. real, my ass. it's an overblown game. anybody ever catch that fucking psycho? i'm getting by. you want to know how i'm doing? every day, i lose a little bit more of myself. i'm becoming something else, and it scares the hell out of me. but with the six months off i get for being your guinea pig, i've only got to survive another 17 years, 5 months, and 23 days. you know those cheesy christmas cards of your family under that tree in your back yard you keep sending me every year? do me a favor keep sending them. ow! it'll never feel right. sometimes. whose wrists and ankles are cuffed, being led into a prison interrogation room. dr. madison carter sits at a table, a visitor's badge clipped to her suit. a notepad in front of her. you actually listen to all those tapes? a little less than yesterday. john died. you're not my therapist. you're hear to study me. face it i'm nothing more than a lab rat to you. if i had died yesterday, you'd have already dissected my brain and analyzed it to see if i carry any genetic predisposition toward violence. not much. he was just a computer program. nothing more. go to hell. enough! i don't have to do anything except survive. and it's taking everything i've got just to do that. you're wasting your time. i'm not going to play any more of your goddam games. it's too early in the morning for me to be cordial. you got any coffee? only because i got pulled out early. i've seen worse. jesus christ. can you kill it? not from in here. what happens if i can't catch him? how do you know i won't run? being given a crew cut by an inmate barber inside the prison barber shop. long lengths of parker's hair cover the floor. parker's face is then shaved. the majority of his face is hidden. cox and deane look on. putting on his l. a. p. d. uniform and badge inside a prison interrogation room. he looks very much like he did in virtual reality, except for the scar on his cheek, and his empty holster. cox and madison look on. i don't need a babysitter. what she's going to do is get in my way. she wasn't part of the deal, cox. their weapons missing? where's my gun? every day for the last five years, i told myself someday i would be out here again. no more bars. no more guards. no more fights just to stay alive. every day for the last five years, i told myself that lie. every time i said it, it was. i never really thought i was going to make it. fine. never felt better in my life. see, i'm a good liar. don't worry. if i can't handle it, i'll just kill everybody. manson didn't kill the first cops to arrive on the scene. charlie? you say that like you're close, personal friends. i know who would know. learn anything from lindenmeyer's file? what happened when he was 17? do me one favor if you shoot at anything, make sure i'm nowhere near it. bang. what are you doing? you've studied me, now i'm studying you. seems only fair, don't you think? maybe after they catch him, you should write a book about him. i'm surprised you didn't write one about me. i've been in prison, remember? just like they figured there was no better person to catch one. here on earth to create havoc and terror. i am war, i am death. i am destruction. david berkowitz, for murder, though it have no tongue, will speak with most miraculous organ. hamlet. what's david berkowitz got to do with sid 6.7? creating a whole far more dangerous than the sum of its parts. this is getting you pumped up, isn't it? this is like the world series to you. remember the bowling ball bag sid carried with him in virtual reality? what we need to do is stop playing with computers and go catch the sonof-a-bitch before he kills anybody else. can you tell us what's on the disc? you should see what he's been up to recently. i'll wait out here. give me a goddam break. i'm not going to go anywhere alone. told you i wasn't going to go anywhere. sometimes, i like being part machine. why didn't you tell me you had a daughter? she's beautiful, you know? want to tell me the real reason we stopped at your house? you should practice lying more often. you're awful at it. where to? what does that mean? sounds to me like a welleducated way of saying you have no idea what to do next. then all we can do is stay mobile and alert. he's got to make a move sometime, and we've got to be ready when he does. welcome to police work. you better like coffee. i forgot what real coffee tastes like. don't worry about it, all right? relax. i know what you meant. then why don't you start practicing and keep your mouth shut for a while? i'll meet you there. stop me. this is my area of expertise. nothing. being on the street's a little different than sitting in an office all day, isn't it? you know i am. tell him. call me whatever you want, asshole. the only thing i want to hear is your silence. you and me have nothing in common. enough with your pulse already. still got your gun? show me you can use it. nail the fucker. any time now. what's the problem? in english, please. it's not your fault. we appreciate you trying. start of what? you like baseball? this is officer parker barnes. get every able body you can to dodger stadium -- j section. live execution. charges after him. a heatseeking missile locked on target. real effective security. authority still makes me nervous. both. hesitates at the escalator leading to the south-bound side of the tracks. further down the tunnel is the escalator to the northbound trains. parker chooses the escalator closest to him. peeking out from behind the pillar on the south-bound platform. moves toward the edge of the platform, aiming his gun across the tracks. those around him quickly back away. everybody get down! get down!!! doesn't hesitate. he lines up his shot and pulls the trigger. fires again. repeatedly. moving closer and closer to the edge of the platform, trying to get a better angle while he still has a shot. sid's getting away. if you're gonna do it, better do it now. i lost him. that's grimes. the man who killed my wife. who killed my daughter. who ruined my life used to taunt me with that line. grimes is back! he's back! he's come back!!! but he's in there. and you knew it, didn't you? didn't you?! god, you fucking know-it-all! you've known all along and didn't tell me! why?! were you afraid i'd lose it?! go over the edge?! huh?! is that what you were afraid of?! why didn't you tell me??!!! what the hell's going on?! you. mother. fucker! i'm going to kill you!!! grimes, you're dead! dead! you hear me? shit! they're going to fry me for it, anyway. you sonofabitch. how could you let them put the implant in my head? how? you knew the entire time? can you give me one good reason why i shouldn't kill you right now? then i guess we're even. sid 6.7 told me after he killed the two guards. he suggested i kill you rather than him. i pose an unacceptable danger to the public, remember? when this is over, will you get this goddam thing out of my head? if you're lying, i'll hunt you down and kill you myself. i told you before, grimes liked to be obvious. part of him is. puts down his binoculars. madison does not. see something? nice work. why's that? noooooo! don't worry, i know. i know. what c-4. was cox talking about? where did you plant the c-4?! a bomb's going off tomorrow night, but i have no idea where. you mean there's something you haven't asked me? you don't know? because this painintheass criminal psychology expert has helped me understand what i'm capable of. and what i'm not. and better than anyone else, i am capable of stopping sid 6.7. what c-4. was cox talking about? where did you plant the c-4?! you can't die until you tell me where the c-4 is. where is it?! don't move, and don't make a sound. got it? i thought you liked me being in the audience. don't you want me to see it? you are going after mayor bennett. aren't you going to watch with me? what are you talking about? madison, get me out of here! madison! sitting precariously on the increasingly-uneven roof of the hollywood tower in virtual reality. unable to break free of his binds, he rocks the chair onto its side. madison!!! hanging on by his fingertips to the bulbous roof of the hollywood tower. he's going to fall at any second. finally losing his grip on the roof of the hollywood tower in virtual reality. he plummets with accelerating speed. i think so. you? lindenmeyer? sid? elizabeth deane, please. tell her it's parker barnes. trying to find out where the bomb is. where the hell have you been? call off the manhunt looking for me. i didn't kill the transport guards. no, but i've confirmed the reelection rally is the target. how much c-4 is missing? if i were you, i'd get every demolition team in the city searching in and around the biltmore hotel. sid is smart enough to know you'd check everywhere in the immediate area. whatever the device is, he's probably got it timed to move into position just before it detonates. have the demo teams check every subway tunnel, water pipe, gas pipe, and sewer pipe that goes under, over, or into the arena. you're the highest law enforcement official in the country. use the fucking army if you need to. or what, you'll authorize my death a second time today? you son-ofabitch, i'm going to kill you. i'm sorry, i thought you were somebody else. jesus christ. i know who the dominant personality is. lindenmeyer. where the hell are you going? listen to me, a bomb is planted somewhere in the hollywood bowl! evacuate everybody! then put somebody on who does! you've got to stop the concert! a bomb is going to go off! hey, old buddy, old pal, good to see you again. now, is that any way to talk to an old friend? how's your pulse? then shoot him already. you won't want to watch. turn around. mind if i borrow a couple of your tools for a second? care to join me?