barnes used to work for him when he was still a cop in the field, remember? lindenmeyer developed neural connectors that tap directly into the nervous system. if the simulator isn't calibrated properly, experiencing death in this level of vr is like experiencing death within a dream. the experience becomes real. i was assured the problem was corrected. black book dollars, black book operation. you pay me for results, not how for how i get you there. you embarrassed me in front of the highestranking law enforcement official in the country. do you have any idea how much money you just cost me? of the six prison inmates you've tested all of whom have had at least some military or survival training - only mr. barnes is still breathing. you've had a yearandahalf to make all the adjustments you want, lindenmeyer. ) elizabeth deane does not give second chances. neither do i. you're fired. you are to turn over the sid 6.7 program, and all its documentation, for immediate destruction. is that understood? how does he know who i am? as a matter of fact, i do. this is wallace. congratulations, reilly. to the first letac engineer to go into production on prototypes. as long as they keep overpaying me, i'll keep overpaying you. ) just make goddam sure you can have 10 of them ready for deployment around the city by next month. do they have to look so. robotic? my engineers say the audio tap should be ready to field test in six months. it makes me nervous just seeing him in a uniform. i will never forget the first time i saw the photos from the crime scene. online and at your disposal. just an unrepentant criminal who is apparently going to die from a previously undiagnosed brain tumor. what are you doing here, sir? what happened?!