thank you. no. is my son alright, mr. vale? where is queens? you have been there? how did this happen? i would like to go there. to queens. i know i can't visit tarek, mr. vale. i just want to see where they are holding him. thank you. no. tarek wanted to come to new york to play music. i did not want him to go but. do you have children, mr. vale? and your wife? i'm sorry. this is where the prison is? it does not look like a prison. how many people are in there? i'll wait there. here. thank you. no. i am palestinian from damascus. i am visiting my son. yes. how is he? i will not leave. mr. vale, i cannot go back to michigan knowing that my son is in that building. even if i can't see him, i will stay. shall we go? thank you. goodbye. yes. thank you. nice to meet you, jacob. i'm mouna. yes. mr. vale knows my son. tarek. thank you. i hope you enjoy it. now if you'll excuse me. you too, jacob. thank you, mr. vale. i will find a hotel. thank you for your offer but i cannot accept this. i don't want to impose on you. again, thank you. but i will manage. goodbye. goodbye. thank you, mr. vale. and i am mouna. no. thank you. good night. good morning. tarek said hello. i can't really tell. he wants me to leave. but i am not leaving. thank you. that is very generous of you. walter? did tarek and his girlfriend, zainab, live here together? and where is she now? i would like to meet her. her what? oh. ok. do you spend a lot of time in the city? you wrote it? congratulations. we appealed. it took two years. yes. no. yes. i would remember this. yes. eventually we had to. but we had our mail advanced. so you can help him? lucky? can you explain what that means? how long will he be in detention? do you have children, mr. shah? thank you. where are you from? which one is she? the black woman? that is zainab? she is very black. hello, zainab. please. call me mouna. neither did i. your jewelry is very beautiful. do you have time for coffee or a walk? why? yes. he called me this morning. he is doing all right. me too. how long have you been here? blame you? no. i do not blame you. he said the same thing about you. yes. zainab, i would like you to do something for me. i would like you to show me something that you and tarek liked to do. some place that you like to go. anything. whatever you want. so what is in staten island? can you go up in the statue? you haven't been? oh. i would prefer to cook if you don't mind? should we stop at a market? no thank you. how long will you be gone? you don't have keep visiting him, walter. i'm sure you are busy. ok. dinner will be ready soon. do you go to broadway, walter? tarek sent me the cd for "phantom of the opera" for my birthday. the music is lovely. have you seen it? i haven't either but i think i know every word. really? how is it going? how is your teaching going, walter? yes. your book? what is it about? are you almost finished? you don't like to talk about your work? why is that? i didn't mean to pry. it's ok. i'll be fine. thank you. have a safe trip. goodbye. walter. i did not expect you so soon. i was just cleaning a bit. i hope you don't mind. i like this cd very much. the music is lovely. is it your wife? she was beautiful. these are different glasses? are they new? they're nice. i was going to make some lunch. are you hungry? yes. no, walter, i have no plans. what did he say? that's so far. did the lawyer say anything else? no one seems to know anything. it feels like syria. sorry to keep you waiting. he says hello. he wants to make sure that you are practicing your drum. you too. should we go? this city is just so huge! it never ends. for what? really? the phantom? are we seeing it? now? that's wonderful. thank you. i am so excited. i have to say that show was really kind of scary. yes. very good. but i think i would like a glass of wine. it's ok. it's not every night that you see the phantom. i'll have a cabernet. me neither. there is a place in syria called maaloula. it is a huge outdoor theater. it's beautiful. we used to take tarek there to see concerts. cheers. really? why? walter, you do not have to do this for tarek. but you have to be in connecticut. you have your teaching. and your book. this is not your problem, walter. it's ok that you are busy. you just presented your paper at the conference. don't be. i appreciate you telling me this. walter, what would you do if you didn't teach? i think that is exciting. not to know. do you mean for work? i work in a car dealership. i take care of the accounting. yes. it's very exciting. what time is it? no?! is it? my god. twelve-thirty! i have not been up this late in a long time. thank you, walter. that was a very nice evening. it's the most fun i've had in a long time. good night, walter. what did he say? i hate this feeling. walter. walter. let's go. there is nothing we can do. let's go. come on, walter. he did nothing wrong. walter, i need to go back to syria. i should to be there for tarek. tomorrow. i already bought a ticket. it's best for me to be there as soon as possible. i know. good night, walter. it's my fault. what happened to tarek. i did receive the letter telling us to leave. i threw it away. i never told him. we were here for three years by the time the letter arrived. i had found a job. tarek was in school. everyone told me not to worry. that the government did not care. and it appeared to be true. and then, after time, you forget. you think that you really belong. have you visited your son in london? you should visit him. here. zainab and i picked it out especially for you. let me see. so do i. you look cool. yes. you are very cool, walter. i should go. thank you, walter. for everything. i don't want to go, habibi.