zainab, you're also undocumented, right? you know you can't visit tarek at the detention center, right? how long have you known tarek? mr. vale? a week? does tarek have any family living here? she's also undocumented, correct? it's ok. this is all confidential. does she know that tarek is in custody? has he ever been convicted of a crime? do you know if they ever applied for asylum? when was that? and did they appeal it? fear of being deported. it used to be that when your asylum case was denied, they let you go until your appeal. a lot of people didn't bother with it. getting denied once was enough to spook them. then there may be a final order of deportation on him which means he won't even go before a judge this time. he'll just be deported. look, one step at a time. let me talk to him then we'll have a better idea of his status and what our options are. visit him. and what happened after the hearing? and your appeal was denied? then they should have sent you a bag-and-baggage letter which basically tells you where to show up and be deported. but you didn't receive it? you sure? did you move? well, it wouldn't be the first time that happened. and pre 9. 11 it wasn't much of a priority tracking people down. it keeps our chances alive. if they got it and just ignored it then we couldn't push to reopen the case. it's still a long shot. like i said, the government's approach has changed radically. it's very black and white now. either you belong or you don't. which means a lot of people who have been living here for years are suddenly being swept up and thrown into detention. tarek's lucky. most of them don't even have lawyers. relatively speaking. we just have to move quickly to get an emergency stay from the board of immigration. then, we'll stick with the motion to reopen pending his green card application. actually, i don't have the time right now. i have to be in court very shortly i can't predict that. i'm sorry but i am gonna have to wrap this up. yeah. two kids. and for what it's worth my uncle was deported after raising a family here for twenty- three years. if i can get tarek out, i will. queens.