yes. yes. come in. can i take your coat? ok. would you like anything to drink? the same thing? what? here. no. i don't think i'm going to continue with our lessons. no. goodbye. four. east asia's experience is really the exception to the rule, because the conditions there that made trade liberalization for the middle east successful weren't present in the developing countries in sub- saharan africa, and in central and south america. come in. why is it late? i'm sorry. i can't accept it now. i'm sorry. i know. yes. charles. that's ok. why can't she go? when? i wish i could, but now is not a very good time, charles. i just don't think i can with the start of classes and my book. so i can stay focused on my writing. i'd really rather not go right now. charles, the truth is this is really shelley's paper. i just agreed to co-author it because she asked me to. i'm not really prepared to present it. thanks. just busy with work. today after class. yeah. thanks. hello? hello? it's ok. i'm not going. i'm not going to hurt you. this is my apartment. my name is walter vale. i have keys. it's my. stop it! i am not. no! no! yes! yes! i have keys. it's my apartment. this is my apartment. i've owned it for twenty-five years. i live in connecticut. i haven't used it in a long time. ivan? who is ivan? no. no. i don't know ivan. who is he? i don't know who he is but this is my apartment. i assure you. yes. ok. yes. i'm just going to sit down. yeah. i'm ok. how long have you lived here? good bye. you left this at the apartment. do you know where you're going to stay tonight? yes. no. do you? ok. good night. good morning. i made some coffee. have a good day. yes. yes. oh. right. no. she passed away. how's your mother? nice to see you, jacob. it is important to distinguish between both our current political assessment and our. it is important to distinguish between our current political assessment. yes. in a minute. i have to make a call. hi. it was a half day. fine. that's good. you can keep practicing if you like. no. it's fine. ok. thank you. are you sure that you wouldn't like some? yes. thank you. here, let me. well, thank you for the dinner. it was very good. economic growth in developing nations. three. i'm working on my fourth. is he still writing? i'm sorry. i have to get some work done but thank you. hello. if you don't mind, i think i will come. he's very good. the whole band is very good. tarek? tarek? oh. hi. yeah. well. i was just. i'm sorry if i. yes. oh. right. sorry. no. hello. he went out. to look at another apartment. yeah. tarek is teaching me the drum. i'm practicing. don't worry, i'll keep my pants on. nothing. i was just. nothing. i have to present a paper at eleven. i should be done by twelve- thirty. well. if china continues to threaten the wage earners in the first-world economies by keeping wages down, then it's really just a matter of time. what they buy they inflate. what they sell they deflate. but then you have to ask the question `who's paying the cost?'. and the answer is the chinese people. fine. thanks. that's good. i think she will as long as no else lives there. oh. yeah. thanks. are you hungry? uh. yeah. i like sharmas. yeah. thank you. no. ok. i will. yeah. hi. what does habibti mean? does she know that? is he good? so why haven't you? i think i'll just watch. what is arab time? sir, i did pay his fare. but i paid this man's. i don't think that's necessary. but he didn't mean. where are you taking him? he was arrested. yes. in the subway. yes. it was just a misunderstanding. they said he would be released later tonight. he didn't. i'm sure we it will be yes it will. i went down to the precinct and made a statement. yes. his name is tarek khalil. khalil. k. h. a. l. i. l. that's right. yes. i came down and made a statement. they said he would be released. that was six hours ago. well when should we know? tomorrow? why? but he. ok. ok. thank you. they've moved him. to a detention center in queens. he was turned over to immigration. they said we can see him during visiting hours tomorrow night from five to ten. a week. why wouldn't they appeal it? so what happens if that's the case? is there anything i can do? hi. i'm here to see tarek khalil. no. of course. she's upset. i have a letter from her. how are they treating you? do you need anything? zainab and i met with a lawyer today. he is going to stop by to see you tomorrow. tarek, zainab said you were denied asylum. did you go to your deportation hearing? you did? yes. goodbye. yes. he said that he did. you don't have to leave. you can stay here. yes. but i thought you said you went to the hearing. so why is there a final order on you? did he say? maybe you should call your mother. she might have. did he say anything else? he's trying to deal with the case as quickly as possible. tarek. i have to go back to connecticut. i'll be reachable by phone if you need me for anything. i won't. yes. no. i will. what? now? hello. can i help you? are you tarek's mother? oh. this is tarek's apartment. i. share the apartment with him. i'm not here very often. i live in connecticut. no. he's. uh. he's not here. but please come in. please. i'm walter. walter vale. would you like to sit down? would you like something to drink? coffee or water? tarek was arrested. he's being held in a detention center in queens. they are trying to deport him. it's not far from here. twenty minutes. yes. i saw him yesterday. he's ok. he was stopped in the subway station. he didn't do anything wrong. ok. but mrs. khalil. the lawyer mentioned that. i don't think that you can. ok. i can take you if you'd like. let me get my coat. have you been to new york before, mrs. khalil? i have a son. he lives in london. my wife passed away. that's it. yes. that's it. i think that's the point. tarek said about three hundred. there is a coffee shop on that corner. it's not very nice but. i was. tarek, your mother is here. she is waiting outside. today. she said she hadn't heard from you. ok. ok. here. i have a letter from her. he's good but he's concerned about you being here. mrs. khalil, i'm not sure that your being in new york will do any good. we have a very good lawyer working on tarek's case. hello, jacob. goodbye. where are you going? you can stay here. you can use tarek's room. you're not imposing. please. i would like you to stay. mrs. khalil? please. i was with tarek when he was arrested. he was in the subway in the first place because of me. please. stay. even if it's just for the night. the bathroom is just across the hall. you can call me walter. do you need anything else? good night. good morning. how is he? well, you can stay here as long as you need to. thank you for the newspaper. uhm. yes. they did. she's staying with her cousin in the bronx. we can go by her stall. her stall. she sells jewelry in a stall. no. not really. i just came down to present a paper at a conference. yes. well i coauthored it. so if they didn't get the letter then does this help us? there. in the middle. yes. hi zainab. this is mouna khalil. tarek's mother. why? yes. i think so. no. excuse me. hello? oh. hi charles. what's that? yes. i'm still in new york actually. i stayed down here to do some research. what's that? oh. i'm on a boat. yes, a boat. listen charles, i'll explain when i see you but i have to go right now. i'll call you back. goodbye. yes. yes. she liked it. yeah. she told us. really? yes. i think your mother likes her very much. i don't think so. i'm sorry. are you hungry, mouna? we can stop for dinner. yeah. that's probably a good idea. would you like a glass of wine? mouna? i need to go back to connecticut tomorrow. for work. i told tarek. i don't know yet. i'll try to make it back to visit tarek as soon as i can. i'll see what i can do. broadway? uhm. no. i haven't been in a long time. no. i haven't. tarek is teaching me the drum. well, i sound a lot better when he's playing with me. my teaching? well. i have a lighter schedule so i can work on my book. well, it covers quite a bit, so it's hard to explain. i'm close. no. it's just a bit complicated. it just is. it's just not a process that's easy to talk about with someone who's not a writer. i shouldn't have spoken to you like that. thank you. you have my number if you need anything. well good bye. good afternoon. no. thank you. yes. thank you. yes. yes. thank you. yes. thank you. mouna? i was wondering if. thursday night . do you have plans? well, i thought that. we might do something. to where? has anyone said anything to you? i know. i'm sorry. ok. ok. please do. thank you. bye. he would make some calls but they can move him to another facility at their discretion. he said it could be anywhere. upstate. pennsylvania. there is even one in louisiana. yes. yeah. no. no he didn't know anything else. that's alright. how is he? i am. you look very nice. yes. ready? yes. yes. is that ok? yeah. it was kind of scary. i'm sorry. i didn't even think to ask. two please. i haven't been to theatre in a long time. cheers. mouna, i've taken a leave of absence for the rest of the semester. i just thought i might spend some more time in new york. i want to. it's fine really. i'm not busy. not at all. mouna, the truth is i haven't been doing any work for a long time. i didn't even write it. i just read it. i've been teaching the same course for twenty years. it doesn't mean anything to me. none of it does. i pretend. i pretend that i'm busy. that i'm writing. working. but i'm not doing anything. i'm sorry. i don't know. mouna, what do you do? yes. really? yes. i think that happens a lot in new york. i told tarek i was going to take you. he was very happy about it. good night. damn it! there's a message from tarek. something's wrong. just that they were moving him. he didn't know what it meant. well when do you expect him back? can you have him call me the minute he is? it's an emergency. thank you. he's still in court. can you hurry please? hello. i'm here for bed 38. tarek khalil. what does that mean? you're not sure? was he moved to another facility? another state? what? well can you ask someone who does know?! yes. did you find him? removed? to where? what? when? he. how can that be? is there any way to contact him? you don't think so? what kind of answer is that?! you can't just take people away like that! do you hear me?! he was a good man. a good person! he had a life here! you can't just take away whoever you want! it's not fair! we are not just helpless children! do you hear me?! when are you going to leave? you won't be able to come back here. mouna. i'm sorry. yes. it's not your fault. it's not your fault. no. not yet. thank you. it's very nice. i like it. cool? i don't want you to go.