we're going to. thank you, that'll be all. john levy, staff, and amy cain, press off. when it broke, he said one word: get me ronnie brean. did he have the flu? three minutes. it couldn't have been over three minutes, the secret service. we are virtually certain it isn't. don't you want to know if it's true? front page. washington post. tomorrow. when do we bring'em back? it won't hold. it won't even hold the one day, ronnie -- we're going to have to explain away the. car and a driver, mr. brean, the westgate, now, please. what crisis? it won't hold. it won't hold, ronnie, it won't prove out. what would do that? it's going to be fine. it's going to be . you remember in 88, when. what is it. it's the rough-cut, the other side's new commercial. twenty thousand dollars. i'm coming with you. i'll see you at national. tell, tell, tell me again. tell me again. we can't afford a war. i'm not sure we can afford to have the "appearance" of a war. but, but, but, "they" would find out. the. yes but. why? they sound what? hold on, hold on, hold on: who? albania. why? nothing. what did albania ever do to us? top people. albanian desk. well, i don't know either, but we probably have one. albanian dusk, c.i.a., n.s.a. roust'em outta bed, sirens blaring. waal, mr. moss, i wouldn't. alright, well, alright: geopolitically. you know what? this is good. this is terrific, and i'll tell you why: it's cost effective. this is. no, this is great. "terrorism," and an attempt to infiltrate. the thinking is, as of this moment, terrorism. (to brean, still holding the phone to the thing with the yellow ribbon. the hostages, but that was a naturally-occuring. it was a put-up job? the yellow ribbon, but who, who'd profit from that. well, we paid for it, we got the guys on a retainer. what can it hurt. i think i should check with the president -- to see what kind of animal he. a schnauzer. what appears to be a. miss, we are going to ask you to sign this little sheet of paper. this does not have to do with your deal. this is for your security clearance. and. she's not an illegal immigrant? is she? can i see her "chart?" because. can we see the kitten? i just hope. they're checking the ratings. uh. well, at least we're not seeing the girlscouts. what's the long view? yes. that's true. but. telexes to the major. new york times, wash post, detroit register, san diego bee, all in emission. no mention of the girlscout. none. i live for midnight, when i can tear another of those suckers off. watcha got for me? we're bring'n im in tomorrow, five am. press thought "no," whaddaya think? no rain. this's good. is she saying this in albanian? our adopted land. uh huh. catching up on his reading. asked about you, sends his thanks. speaking of thanks. we puttem back in, what does your fellow moss want? maybe he's just a patriot. how long you been up, you need a nap. nashville? you're tired, ronnie. this is magnificent. 8 days and we bring it back home. waal, i gotta tell you. i've been inside the beltway fourteen years, and i feel like i just got my feet wet. and if you think about it: if you think about it, what is war? what is war? i mean, aside from the killing, and, all. that isn't so pleasant, . you in the service? you missed your plane? my life is over. fourteen years. brazen it through? brazen it through? they're going to hang us out to dry like the laundry --- do you know what we've ddd. do you know what we've done, for godsake? do you know what you've. i'd like to mention a few names, who. i was acting as a private citizen. nothing that i've done should be construed as reflecting on the orders or intentions of anyone with whom you may have reason to believe i am connected with. and i take this opportunity to suggest that, equally, i admit to nothing, and that i would like my lawyer present. as are we all, and i'd like to take this opportunity to suggest that the security of the country would be ill- served by any, any. any. and i'd like to point out that i've been on prescription medication, the side-effects of which. yes. hello? what does he mean the situation has been resolved? what are we gonna do about it? what are we going to do? oh, god. oh, lord. a new take on the. well, sir, we're coming back, we'd like you to try it out, this evening. this is a snappy song. all we have to do now is sell it to the president. he thinks it's too. mr. president, this is st. you need this schumann fellow? no. no. pentagon says, army's got'em, they got'm in "custody". fine. it's the pride of a job well done, stanley, yes, but it's more than that. it's the gratitude of your party, and of your president. indeed it is. the albanian campaign. we've got to put that, into the inaugural. "i have here, a ribbon. you haven't seen it before, and you will not see it too often now. for it is the proud possession of a few, a very few men and women. it is the ribbon of the albanian campaign" well, you know, "the whole thing's theatre" sergeant schumann? my name is ames. welcome. uh. didn't we do this? wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait. what did he do? much more. uh, he have much more time to "serve?" yeeaahhh. ohmigod . ohmigod. ohmigod. and? no. i don't wanna know. what happens if he doesn't have his medication? oh lord. what have you done to me? what have you done to me? what have you done to me. what are we going to do? well, get on the phone, and get it. no, no, he didn't mean anything at all. no. no. he didn't mean anything by it at all. we're just, actually, we're friends of. can we get another pill into him. is he dead? oh. hell. and what do we do now? what do we do now? boy producer? where? his triumphal plane. shot down. you can't tell this story. he's not kidding you. how do we explain that? how do we explain that? with the world watching. but how do we explain the fact he was in prison? i'm concerned about the driver of the rig. the harvester. well, he doesn't have his green card. you want schumann saved by an illegal alien? so-close-and-yet-so-far. what are you talking about? he's dead. could we have you in here, please. 7 we need a witness.