senator frederick nole. with, excuse me, senator, that's eleven days, til the election, and the president ahead in the polls by, bob? accusations have surfaced, which. from airforce one. in china. the president of the united states. just having heard her family shot. for the crime of non-cooperation with albanian authorities. apparently, they had a family connection in canada, along the us border and refused to exploit it to aid the terrorists to infiltrate this country. have identified the bridge, and the river from that tape. it is a bridge over the river __________, . what is it, mayra, a "rhyme?" "volo," meaning, "i will." as the president bends all his will, to find, and to restore to his country, to his family, and to what are his mounting legion of friends, william schumann, the commando ranger of detacment 3.0.3. -- sgt. william schumann. the old shoe. don't switch horses. vote. and vote for the man who brought peace to. live, from the white house, we bring you.