it's a, it's a. it can't be a ribbon cause aids had a ribbon, cause the yellow ribbon thing had a ribbon, cause. keep talking. they look stupid. we had davy crockett hats, but you could crush'em . you could crush'em, see, when you felt stupid. crush'em, put em in your pocket. you can't put a mountie hat in your. what am i doing? do you see me working? i gotta get something, i gotta get . shoes? ties? hats? what is this? i go with this here. shoes, hats. black. well, that ain't very butch, is it? i meant the leopard skin. thank god this is america. kid comes to school. teacher: you're late for geography class. kid: i din' get my breakfast. teacher: siddown, where's the canadian border. kid: in bed wit my mom. that's why i missed my breakfast. does it have to be albania? because, lookit: well, let's not be too sure, why is that? the canada thing was a shuck. a shuck -- wasted a day. what can you do with canada? bears, mapleleafs, "sugar -on-snow." lays there on the plate like a lox. it's like those japanese in the caves on okinawa. didn't believe the war was over. yeah, i need a list, people in military special pro. all part of the service we render. when do you bring'em back? schumann. where is he? see y'at the finish line.