when i'm done with'em, we want to dump'em in the district, or stick'em out in the country, have the f.b.i. trip over'em? guess who i am. quite touching. guess what? we show, and n.s.a. confirms, there are no nuclear devices on the canadian border. n'who might you be, when all's said and done? who're you working for? s'all very well, but when the fit hits the shan, somebody's going to have to stay after school, and who do you 'spose that might be. well, i'm not interested in how long its "got to hold for." i'm interested in the security of my country, mr. brean. and i think that the security of the country would be best-served by its citizens obeying its laws. gemme a federal judge, gemme search-warrants, all premises controlled by our friends, and bench-warrants for the two of. i'm doing my job, mr. brean. that's what you see me doing here. what is it you thought you were doing? what's on your mind? ask it. why do people go to war? i'll play your silly game. to preserve their way of life. i have.