my fellow americans. i apologize for the need for secrecy. i assure you that had it not been necessary to ensure the safety of our men and women in the combat arms. the republic of albania, long a staging ground for terrorists around the world, is in the procesa of mounting . actions directed against the people of the united states. in consultation with my advisors, i have elected to take the following precautionary measures: that a state of war has existed, between the united states, and. between the united states and republic of albania, thank you, would you be seated, please. the threat of nuc1ear terrorism has been quelled. we are in contaot with the albanian premier, who assures me, and this government credits his assurances, that his country does not wish us ill, and has not. that the threat which we perceived was not of his wish, or of his making. from whence did it come? our information states it came from a small group of armed, dissidents. of armed and violent dissidents. but that group has been, in the main, subdued. now: how did we come by this information? and. who subdued that group? it falls to me to reveal to you a secret. and i can only say, to those family members, of group 303, which members are, i know, as i speak, gathering to comfort you, the parents of the missing man, i can only say, and the albanian government joins with me, that no, i repeat, no effort will be apared, to find. you will see his sweater is worn. it has been unraveled in places, and those places form dashes and dots. dashes and dots. and those dots spell out a message in the morse code. and that message is, "courage, mom" (pause. president pauses, as if all a proclamation of a day of national rejoining. my fellow americans. he is down safely, though the flight crew perished in the crash. he will be transhipped, we are informed he has sustained minor injuries, which will require his being medicated for some time, but, i am assured.