landon quickly flicks the high beams. belinda, eric, and clay snicker and snort as they see -- they stare at each other. his annoyance turns to mild respect. the bus begins to roll. landon lurches forward. landon reacts -- this girl actually chooses to be in these places? ms. garber looks up from her papers. from stage right, jamie makes her entrance as lizzie. a collective gasp from the audience. landon can't take his eyes off her. landon is dumbstruck. landon knocks. the reverend looks up, furrows his brow. the reverend struggles with what to do. after a moment, he decides not to interfere; he'll pick his moment. he keeps driving. she starts to raise the window, to say something, to help him, but then lets the curtain drop. she needs for him to decide, for him to be ready to face this with her. cynthia is pained to see his suffering. reverend sullivan comes in to check on jamie. she's standing at the window. landon reads it. she steps back so he can see. he looks quickly, then moves aside so she can keep looking. she's completely engrossed. a long, quiet moment, then: landon swells with pride. reverend sullivan kneels, too.