what if they expel you? why not? don't smile at me. it's not going to get you out of this. i'm not getting up to drive you somewhere. what're you doing home? i want to talk to you. you're not hanging round here all day. you don't need a car you can't drive for a month. go see marvin. about a job. he's going to try you as assistant manager. you could be manager someday. your father dropped off an extra check. it could help with a new car -- out with belinda? i can't know things if you don't tell me. you saw him? after he moved out, i invited him to every practice, every game, every parent-teacher conference you ever had. he didn't show, not once. you going to let him? you going to reward him by being the son he was never man enough to be a father to? you do that. landon! come enjoy the tree! landon?! you look nice. i should have dressed. there's hot cider in the kitchen. i haven't seen clay or eric lately. no great loss -- to see your father? a late night or an early morning? were you with jamie? you sleeping with her? i was cleaning yesterday. i found this. scuba dive. touch a moon rock. learn to read egyptian hieroglyphs. go to college? she talking to you 'bout this stuff? honey, some of this is. farfetched. you take after me. people skills and common sense. good dependable qualities. you do. you're handsome and charming. that's eight years of school and training -- after college. and all that doesn't necessarily make you a better human being. that'd be something. but if it doesn't happen, grab for something within reach. life's tough enough without causing yourself disappointment -- disappointment isn't something anyone plans for. it catches you by surprise. have i told you how proud i am of you -- ? your father called. jamie's a patient at his hospital. he's having a colleague look at her chart this morning. i'm sorry. i didn't know. it's your father. if it's incurable -- landon -- i brought some dinner. i don't care if you don't leave the house. but you have to get out of bed. you and i may not be communicating very well right now. but let me be clear. don't make this about you. it's about her. be yourself and i don't think there is a wrong thing. let jamie take the lead. she'll let you know what she needs. he doesn't talk to me, maybe not to anyone, except jamie. i've never asked you for extra. but we need it now. as soon as possible. sit with us a minute. he wants to talk to you. landon. you have two parents. we're both here for you even -- what can i do? landon, honey. there's nothing more. be with her when she wants. make sure she never feels alone. when you are ready, i want you to feel free to go.