empties roll and clink on the floor. a tiny plastic skeleton dances as it hangs from the rearview mirror. landon stamps a joint into the ashtray. landon's looking at kelly in the rearview mirror. landon, clay, and belinda sit drinking, smoking weed. under the music, a cb radio scanner chats quietly. landon, belinda, clay, eric. landon switches on the dome lights for belinda. belinda, eric, clay are still laughing. landon's smiling. landon leaps in. pops out the van halen. landon drives recklessly. rushing. he makes a screeching turn. landon smiles at belinda. she smiles back. fun. landon takes a slug of beer. turns his eyes back to the road. quiet. landon, eric and clay are banged up. landon turns off the radio. sits still. wipes the rearview mirror clean, spotless. unties the dangling plastic skeleton and pockets it.