i had hopes for you. like you'd make it to june. even cutting half your classes, you have a b- average. that's right. you just act like one. your blood alcohol level. maybe you were legally in the clear, but i make the rules here. i am. that's right. the world is your oyster. finding the real world to your liking, mr. carter? back? were you ever really here? you could grace our hallowed halls again, if, while you're here, you make a sincere effort to be part of our little school community -- how would you do that, mr. carter? shall i give you a few ideas? besides attending all your regular classes, i'd like you to help our janitorial staff after school -- for the inner satisfaction it will bring. saturday mornings, i'd like you to tutor disadvantaged students at our sister school -- the fact that you attend this school makes you privileged. finally, i'd like you to join the drama club. rehearsals are tuesday and thursday evenings. or something. they're doing a play for the holidays. you don't. that's the point. landon, none of us faculty see you the way you see yourself. some of us remember how your father -- -- you can and you will, mr. carter. with all the sincerity and dignity you can muster. mr. carter. don't wear a hole in that one spot there. landon? where did you get -- ? i didn't say you did. your grades for fall semester. they're -- good. i've seen students with records like yours go to j.c. for a couple of years, then transfer to a good college. i'd gladly write you a letter of recommendation. you're welcome. you're excused. how is she? you will graduate. if i have to tutor you myself. i'll drive a copy over to her.