ok. when'd the mill close? that's too bad. nah i don't think so. thanks. how ya doin. thanks. nah i'm fine thank you. i'll walk. it's ok. lil bit. 8 years. harstad was sheriff back then. thanks for the ride. what is this? what's with the tent? . how ya doin! for good. i'm home. no. hey dad. this is great. well i was planning on working at the mill, your letters never mentioned that it was closed. hey pete. your tent's gonna take on water. i could show ya how to rig it. first of all i was a sergeant. i worked for a living. i figured that'd be scrap metal by now dad. sorry pete. no. why dontcha crash on the floor? ok, i'll crash on the floor, you crash on the bed. pete. . keep ya dry. ray ray! ahaaa. how ya doin? what is that? girls actually get in there? how ya been? wanna beer? here. whoah. . i'm sorry. playin ball? when did that happen? why? still got a gut huh jay? i'm still all i can be. i just wanna relax, catch my breath. alright boys, last play. we need to put this to rest. you got it. on the first hut! that's cool man. good to be back. see ya tonight. hold up. maybe next time i won't see you with the bleachers smoking weed. don't you have to be native american to own a casino? nobody's gonna have any problems finding this place. not bad. nice place. where you goin? bye! no drinking. lil of both, i grew up here. could say that. deni. hey candy. let's go. no, hell no. ok. jimmy. don't roll. gimme the dice. you're good, but i saw it. i saw the switch. yea? let's see about that. bet you i'll roll a seven. put your bets down on the pass line. these dice are comin up seven. no, we gonna let it ride jimmy. the dice are comin up seven. why don't you just take care of that bet and we're even. yea, the problem is your dice are loaded. does your boss know about this? just gimme my money. how did you do? some homecoming hey. appreciate that dad. i was goin into town to get some supplies. wanna come? you gonna think i'm crazy. i been thinking about the mill. when i was a kid goin to visit you at work, the smell of that fresh-cut cedar. you remember that smell. when did they go outta business? . and that? for what? they miss a lot at your place don't they jay. your boys did it. what the fuck are you talking about? no. i'm goin to the sheriff. excuse me. excuse me. i'm here to press charges. yea, it is. did you look into it? an internal investigation. i'm not gonna let this stand. i said i'm not gonna let this stand. hey. i appreciate that, i thought this was history. can i talk to you outside for a second. mom i'll be right back. been better. well i went down to the police station and i talked to somebody with a badge. sure as hell didn't seem like much of a sheriff. somebody ought to. how about you? is it workin? so the casino huh? treatin you good? i like that. jay hamilton's done well for himself hasn't he. must be. i heard he got you. you still work for him though. suppose so. do you? thanks for the jacket. where'd you get the drugs? stop. where? no, that won't do any good. he'll be fine. but i'd have to plead guilty. they're only offering me this deal just to keep me quiet. i wasn't wrong. and i won't say i was. you're fired. your honor, i'd like to plead my own case. yes i do. i don't deny anything that was said here today. i'm not guilty of anything. except standing up for myself when the law wouldn't. i grew up in this town. people used to walk tall in this town, they wouldn't have traded the mill for a crooked casino. and they wouldn't have stood around while drugs were being sold to kids. i was justified in what i did, and if you acquit me of these charges i'm gonna run for sheriff. and if elected, i'm gonna fix this town. and i will make sure that this never happens to anyone again without punishing those who did it. this is mine. watkins. you're all fired. license and registration please. license and registration. you. and the drugs you're pedalling out of your casino. yea that's right and i plan on taking care of everything else too. cause you owned the town jay. it's changed now. is that right? sir get your tail lights fixed, it's your last warning. they're broken. mornin deputy. i got a lil pull around here. are you done? ray i need your help. i need you to take me to drugs school. you're sure you're not carrying anything. officer. search him. could be. spit it out. you might need this. you're just being stubborn. i will. can i talk to you? over here? i'm gonna stay with him tonight. i need you to take care of my parent's place. kay. hey don't you have to work tonight? i gotta get a bigger bed. got leftovers. get down! take that and get in there. come here. when i say 'now' start shooting, over there. stay low. what's it worth to you? where's the lab? stay down! deni! now! deni. deni. you gonna be ok? get up jay. get up! you're right jay, this does change our relationship. this is my town, you're under arrest. that oughta do it. what are you doin? that's how it starts. next you'll be accepting bribes, setting speed traps all over town, cuttin up trucks. not to mention the cavity searches. could be. let's go pick my old man and grab somethin to eat.