welcome back. i got my business, you saw the furniture outside. no, i'm still hoping that you'll melt that thing down on your own. remind you of anyone? just find out who did this to him stan. changed the plugs a while back. i might've had serious issues with your career choice but just didn't seem fair to take it out on an innocent truck. where you headin? let's go. ya whole life, all you wanted to do was get outta here. what made you come back. mmm i remember a lotta nice things before the mill closed. closed about six months ago. there's a home depot about fifteen minutes up the road. don't ask. is pete ok? what are you doin? aw chris not like this. chris listen to me. if you go outta here with that gun, they're gonna. ne. chris! why does it always have to be your fight? no. i put my guns down a long time ago. you and me both boy. chris, listen. you be careful. i know who you are.