cause i opened my casino. still got your reflexes. what, you get tired of being all that you can be? really? i'll just have to see about that. what brings you home? you? relax? not today. ok vaughn, last chance. that's game! welcome home. see ya round. hey, if you're not doing anythin later on you could come by the casino. i'll introduce ya to some nice girls, drinks are on me. whaddya say? cool. heyyy, the dream team! yeah well. welcome to my world. look tonight, all the drinks are on the house. if you need a line of credit, say how much. and if you need a lil female companionship. done. alright? have a good time. don't you worry about me, i've got a few things to do. enjoy. hey. first of all i wanna say thanks. he's been fired, and his gaming permit's been pulled. i don't know how my security cameras didn't catch that. look chris i hate seein ya like this. wait wait. so they got a little rough, they were a bit edgy. understandably. you don't know what kind of assholes they have to put up with on a daily basis. look, they've been reprimanded. they say you went nuts man. i'm sorry. i know the proper term vets use is post traumatic stress. whatever it was, you tore my place apart and it wasn't easy for me to get my guys agree not to press charges. look chris, if you had a problem. shouldn't you have come to me? look, i wanna bring you inside. chris i wanna make you head of security. whaddya say? ah well. i guess you probably need time to think about it. this is for you. it's a little something to help you get. y'know. come on man, don't be like that. i came all the way out here to your house just to see you get back on your feet. i'm sorry you feel that way. i'll see ya round chris. guess that changes our relationship a bit huh? hey chris. you're joking right? what's the problem sheriff? oh. only thing that's going on in my casino right now is reconstruction. you took care of that. if you can, try to think this through. a casino is a license to print money. why would i jeopardise that by selling drugs? really? see the only thing that i think has changed around here is that every morning you get to wake up and put on that nifty lil badge. but underneath that badge is the same guy that couldn't make it playing college football, apparently couldn't make it in the army and not gonna make it as a cop. yea, and if you push too hard you're gonna be a man who doesn't live to see 40. license please. thanks sheriff. what's wrong with my tail lights? do it. hey chris. just a sec. remember we used to play hide n seek up here? that was my favourite sound. look. chris. just. you wanna know what my new favourite sound's gonna be? the sound of you screaming like a little bitch.