how ya doin'? ahh 3 years this august. if ya lookin for work you might wanna try aberdeen, that's the closest mill work you're gonna find around here. nah just simple economics. y'know we have a really nice casino here, the wild cherry. you wanna make some money maybe you wanna go on down there and try your luck at the blackjack tables. you're chris vaughn? well hell, i know all about you chris. i know your folks, i'm sheriff stan watkins. ralston get outta the car, you're lookin at a real soldier here pay some respect. here chris, we'll give ya a ride up to your folks. i insist. hey it's my pleasure. i won't take no for an answer . hey! get in the car. did i scare ya with that one? ya. let's go. you were gone a while huh? harstad, yeah. sad story. about 5 months back he fell asleep at the wheel and uhhh. hit a tree. good man, good man and a good sheriff. no problem, and uh chris . it's election month. i'm your man. i'm gonna need a statement from him doctor. i'll also need a copy of your write-up along with toxicoloy, blood alcohol level and so on. i'm just tryin to get some facts here. i'm just doing my job michelle. ok? i understand how you feel. but we still don't know yet who started all of this. i'll do my best mr vaughn. i really will. in the meantime i have to file a full report. you lemme know when i can talk to him. thank you. well hey chris. good to see you up and about, you're lookin spiffy. well this isn't about that incident at the casino a while back is it? cause that matter's closed. they did an internal investigation. that's good enough for me. chris, i know you're familiar with the term 'no fly zone'. hmm? cause that's what the casino is. since the mill closed down that casino is the main source of revenue in this town. so, case closed basically. i'll see ya. excuse me? what did you say to me? you're lucky to be alive right now, that's all you need to be concentrating on. this is my town ok, i'm the sheriff here. i'll tell you what will stand, not the other way around. now please get out of my building. you should not have come looking for trouble. keep your hands up, get out of the vehicle now chris! now!